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[交流] 深圳信息职业技术学院2024年外籍教师招聘公告

(Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology Recruitment Announcement for Foreign Teachers in May 2024)

Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology (SZIIT) is seeking 15 foreign teachers to enhance our academic disciplinary system, cultivate talented students, and advance scientific research. The recruitment details are outlined below:
I. Basic requirements
We are looking for candidates who are friendly towards China, abide by Chinese laws and regulations, and are in good physical and mental health. Applicants must demonstrate good conduct, a clean criminal record, high professional ethics, and a strong ability for teamwork.
II. Specific requirements for each position
See “Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology Recruitment Announcement for Foreign Teachers in May 2024” (Attachment 1).
III. Contract period
Professional technical teachers are employed on a three-year contract, while foreign language teachers are on a one-year contract. At the end of these terms, a performance evaluation will be conducted based on the requirements of the respective positions. Those who pass the evaluation will be processed for contract renewal in accordance with relevant policies, whereas those who fail to meet the evaluation criteria will not be offered an extension.
IV. Compensation package
Salary and benefits will be determined according to SZIIT's compensation framework for staff members.
V. Application window
Applications will be accepted starting May 15, 2024.
VI. How to apply
Interested individuals are encouraged to apply within the designated period by filling out the "Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology Applicant Registration Form" (Attachment 2). Please send this form, along with color scans of pertinent documents (such as the photo page of your passport, degree certificates, professional qualifications, etc.) and your resume, to the email provided below.
注意:发送邮件时标题格式为: 姓名-学历-学校-专业-海外博士网
Phone: Ms.Wang, 0755-89226064
Email address: rlzyc@sziit.edu.cn,sziit79@126.com
注意:发送邮件时标题格式为: 姓名-学历-学校-专业-海外博士网
VII. Selection process
SZIIT will screen all resumes and shortlist candidates for the next stage. Those advancing will receive further information regarding the time, location, and method of the assessment.
VIII. Other information
Candidates who pass the assessment and are approved by administrators of SZIIT will proceed with medical examination procedures, contract signing, relevant permissions, and other onboarding processes, as per the guidelines set by local authorities and SZIIT.
Note: Foreigners who work in China shall obtain valid work permit and work-type residence permits in accordance with relevant regulations. Otherwise shall be deemed unlawful employment.

Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology
May 15, 2024


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