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[交流] 【Biomedical Informatics】期刊长期征稿,谷歌学术收录

期刊名:Biomedical Informatics
ISSN: 3005-3862 (Print)
ISSN: 3005-3854 (Online)

Journal Scope:
Biomedical Informatics aims to provide a platform for publishing interdisciplinary research that applies software or computational methods to understand living systems at a molecular level through to the cell level.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:
1. Sequence analysis such as sequence assembly, genome annotation, computational evolutionary biology, comparative genomics, genetics of disease, genomics, genome variation, personalized medicines, RNA bioinformatics, and functional consequences of genetic variants
2. Gene and protein expression such as analysis of cellular organization, gene and protein expression, computational medicine, transmission dynamics, metagenomics, biomarker discovery, and epigenetics
3. Systems biology including metabolic network analysis, translational cell and tissue engineering, biological network analysis, metabolomics, proteomics, structural bioinformatics, network and systems biology, biodiversity informatics, personalized medicines, etc.
4. Clinical decision support systems that utilize patient data, medical knowledge, and evidence-based guidelines to provide decision support to healthcare providers in diagnosing diseases, selecting treatment options, and improving patient care outcomes.
5. Imaging informatics such as methods for image acquisition, processing, analysis, and interpretation in medical imaging. This includes techniques for image segmentation, registration, feature extraction, and computer-aided diagnosis.
6. Method development such as mathematical modeling, machine learning and data mining, biological data integration and management.


1. 论文必须要有摘要、题目、作者、单位、必要的图标、结果、主要参考文献等。
2. 文章为全英文,页数无限制。
3. 请勿一稿多投,所有稿件将接受同行评审和查重。
4. 投稿流程:投稿→审稿→录用→查重→排版校对→发表上线。



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