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[交流] 《控制与决策》:无人机主题双语文章推荐


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Research and development trend of multi-UAV path planning based on metaheuristic algorithm

【Abstract】Multi-UAV path planning is a complex multi-constraint combinatorial optimization problem, which is difficult to obtain good results through traditional algorithms. Recently, the metaheuristic algorithm has become an effective means to solve this kind of optimization problems because of its high efficiency. Firstly, a new classification method is proposed for the key elements of multi-UAV path planning. Then, we classify and discuss the improvement methods of metaheuristic algorithms used in the research results, elaborate the application performance, advantages, and disadvantages of these algorithms, and summarize the current research results according to the proposed classification methods and research characteristics. Finally, the future development trend is prospected based on the existing problems in the current multi-UAV path planning research.

A survey on coverage and exploration path planning with multi-rotor micro aerial vehicles

【Abstract】With the rapid development of micro aerial vehicle (MAV) technology, autonomous coverage and exploration of interest environments with multi-rotor MAVs have become a research hotspot. Firstly, this article briefly introduces the research contents of coverage and exploration planning of interest environments by using robotics. Then, three aspects are surveyed, i.e., coverage planning, exploration planning, as well as simultaneous coverage and exploration planning. In addition, the fundamental working principle, advantages and limitations of different methods are analyzed in detail. Finally, the problems and challenges are concluded according to the state of the art, and the future research trends and development directions are analyzed.

Formation control of large-scale fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicle swarms

【Abstract】This paper considers the formation control of large-scale fixed-wing UAV swarms and proposes a group-based hierarchical method. Firstly, a distributed group-based control architecture is proposed for the UAV swarms, which divides all the UAVs into several distinct and non-overlapping groups, and the UAVs in each group are organized into two layers, the leader layer and the follower layer. Secondly, for leader UAVs, the coordinated path following control law is proposed, which steers the leader UAVs towards their virtual targets on their desired paths, and achieves the coordination of leader UAVs by coordinating the movement of the virtual targets, thus the inter-group coordination is achieved. Thirdly, a leader-following formation control law is proposed for the follower UAVs to follow the leader UAVs in their respective groups. The proposed formation control law for large-scale swarms considers the control constraints of fixed-wing UAVs and wind influence, and the closed-loop stability is theoretically guaranteed. Numerical simulations of 100 fixed-wing UAVs in a whole mission process are conducted, which validate the effectiveness of the proposed method for large-scale swarms.

Formation control of multi-UAV based on distributed model predictive control algorithm

【Abstract】This paper presents a distributed model predictive control algorithm for the formation and maintenance of multi-quadrotor during the cruise fight. That is dealing with the formation control using the rolling optimization method. Firstly, a linear time-invariant formation motion model is established. Then using the leader-follower strategy, a distributed model predictive controller is designed by introducing the assumed state trajectory of itself and neighbors to the cost function, which is in the case of considering the state and input constraints, without considering the communication delay, external interference, and noise. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) interact with local information based on a directional, time-invariant communication topology. Based on the controller, UAVs can quickly form a pre-set formation and maintain it while tracking the target trajectory. To ensure the stability of the system, the terminal equality constraint is introduced. Then taking the cost function as the Lyapunov function, the sufficient conditions for the asymptotic stability of the formation system are given. Finally, simulations with six UAVs demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed algorithm.

Review on vehicle-UAV combined delivery problem

【Abstract】With drone technology's maturity, drone delivery has recently become a hot spot in both industry and academia. As UAVs still have some drawbacks, such as limited flight range and airspace control, vehicle-UAV combined delivery has great potential development. This work studies five operation modes of the vehicle-UAV combined delivery problem, including vehicle-UAV collaborative delivery, vehicle-UAV parallel delivery, vehicle-supported delivery of UAVs, UAVsupported delivery of vehicles, and hybrid-mode delivery. According to different operation modes' characteristics and scenarios, this work analyzes classical elements in terms of delivery vehicles, road networks, node composition, arc segment constraints, and optimization objectives. We also study the expansion elements, including speed ratio, customer number for one-way drone delivery, and stopping strategy. Methods for solving the vehicle-UAV combined delivery problem are introduced and compared, and common instances for tests are listed. Finally, the work proposes the possible future trends of the vehicle-UAV combined delivery problem.

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作者:李杨 徐泽水 王新鑫
作者:李阿明 侯谷庾 王龙
作者:张晓平 纪佳慧 王力 何忠贺 刘世达
作者:彭木根 刘喜庆 刘子乐 孙泽忠
作者:韩文杰 谭文
作者:左志强 刘正璇 王一晶
作者:肖人彬 李贵 陈峙臻
作者:公彦德 陈梦泽
作者:张维海 彭称称 蒋秀珊

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