24小时热门版块排行榜     石溪大学接受考研调剂申请>

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My PhD supervisor is recruiting PhD students. His project aims to develop fast time-resolved imaging systems using innovative CMOS single-photon sensor arrays and smart hardware embedded processors to bring data analysis close to the sensor front-end to enable fast 3D imaging. The project promises real-time imaging for widespread use in manufacturing (virtual prototyping), autonomous vehicles, robotics, human-machine interfaces and gaming, biomedical imaging or security monitoring. It also affects advanced manufacturing and materials, health and well-being, and marine, aviation and space topics. We are working with sensor manufacturers; students have the opportunity to work in an industrial environment and receive additional training in image sensors.

We are looking for students with experience in embedded systems, FPGAs (verilog/VHDL), optical engineering, instrumentation, and machine learning. Students with only a bachelor's degree but extensive experience in these fields are encouraged to apply for this scholarship. Dr. David Li has a proven track record of helping students obtain CSC scholarships. Students interested in this opportunity are welcome to submit their resume to Dr. David Li (David.Li@strath.ac.uk).

Y. Wang, W. Xie, H. Chen, and D. Li, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 70, p. 4256-4266, 2023.
D. Xiao, N. Sapermsap, Y. Chen, and D. Li, Optica 10, p. 944-951, 2023.
Z. Jiao, Z. Zang, Q. Wang, Y. Chen, D. Xiao, and D. Li, Optics and Laser Technology 163, p. 109356, 2023.
D. Xiao, Z. Zang, W. Xie, N. Sapermsap, Y. Chen, and D. Li, Optics Express 30, p. 11479-11494, 2022.
Y. Wang, W. Xie, H. Chen, and D. Li, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 69, p. 9634-9643, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2021.3111563.
D. Xiao, Z. Zang, N. Sapermsap, Q. Wang, W. Xie, Y. Chen and D. Li, Biomedical Optics Express 12, p. 3450-3462, 2021.
W. Xie, H. Chen, and D. Li, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 69, p. 1021-1031, 2021: DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2021.3053905.
W. Xie, Y. Wang, H. Chen, and D. Li, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 69, p. 4264-4274, 2021
: DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2021.3076708.

128-channel high-linearity resolution- adjustable time-to-digital converters for LiDAR applications: software predictions and hardware implementations

我的博士生导师正在招收博士生。 他的项目旨在使用创新的 CMOS 单光子传感器阵列和智能硬件嵌入式处理器开发快速时间分辨成像系统,将数据分析靠近传感器前端以实现快速 3D 成像。 该项目承诺实时成像可广泛用于制造(虚拟原型)、自动驾驶汽车、机器人、人机界面和游戏、生物医学成像或安全监控。 该项目与斯特拉斯克莱德的测量科学和支持技术主题完美契合。 它还影响先进制造和材料、健康与福祉以及海洋、航空和航天主题。 我们正在与半导体制造商意法半导体合作; 学生有机会在工业环境中工作,接受图像传感器方面的额外培训。

我们正在寻找具有嵌入式系统、FPGA (verilog/VHDL)、光学工程、仪器仪表和机器学习经验的学生。 我们鼓励仅拥有学士学位但在这些领域拥有丰富经验的学生申请该奖学金。 David Li 博士在帮助学生获得 CSC 奖学金方面有着良好的记录。 欢迎对此机会感兴趣的学生向 David Li 博士提交简历 (David.Li@strath.ac.uk)。

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