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[交流] 卡尔斯鲁厄KIT Schaefer 教授团队招收多位膜工程及污染处理方向的博士生、博士后

KIT 膜工艺技术研究所 Prof. Dr.-Ing Andrea Iris Schäfer
Tel.: +49 (0)721 608 26906

1, Photo- and electrocatalytic membranes for micropollutant degradation
Several postdoc opportunities are available that build on ongoing research projects in the area of Photo- and electrocatalytic Membrane Reactors (PMR, EMR) for the removal of micropollutants during water treatment and reuse. Projects span from materials characterization through to process upscale depending on the individual skills and interests of the applicant. On the materials side, the main aim is to fabricate a photo- and electrocatalytic membranes and investigate these systematically using common operational and water quality parameters for the removal of
micropollutants such as steroid hormones in the nanogram per liter concentration range. On the process side the design and construction of a plot system with a innovative photocatalytic membrane module is a key challenge – followed by field testing.
The research is carried out at IAMT where the membranes will be characterized with state-of-the-art filtration and analytical devices. Extensive opportunity for international collaboration and up-scale exists.
The project is developed with the following objectives, i) identify a photo- or electro catalytic material of interest that targets the degradation of challenging micropollutants, ii) identify most suited analytical method for micropollutant of interest (analytical tools for ng/L quantification exist), iii) evaluate the effectiveness of membrane for the removal of micropollutants initially in synthetic and later in real waters.
This research will investigate the following research questions;
 What are the limiting parameters to the degradation of the most stable micropollutant bonds?
 What is the degradation efficiency in a flow through reactor operated with various light sources or appled potentials?
 What are the mechanisms involved in micropollutant removal in PMR or EMRs?
Further, the postdoc will be responsible for process development and up-scale, setup and control of this membrane filtration system in the laboratory working with workshops and suppliers on such engineering tasks. At postdoctoral level the preparation of research proposals and publications, participation in team responsibilities and activities as well as the supervision of students is a key requirement. Throughout the project, there will be additional opportunities for cooperation with internal and external partners, team events, as well as contributing to (a minimal amount of)

2, Brackish water desalination with electrodialysis and membrane distillation
The ideal candidate will hold a PhD in Chemical, Process, Environmental, Materials Engineering, or equivalent and is a naturally curious ‘can do’ person, eager to learn more and has a strong interest in research. Experience with membrane filtration is a requirement and experience with
electrodialysis of membrane distillation systems (of any scale) a definite advantage. Further requirements are experience in specifying system components, sound experimental problem solving skills, trace ion/water analysis and a solid publication track record – as well a good common sense.
Excellent English language proficiency is essential (IAMT is English speaking), basic German language skills of advantage. A valid driver’s licence is required.
Please send applications with cover letter addressing position requirements, CV, publication list and your contribution to the publication (if relevant), academic transcripts, degree certificates, contact details for three references and a preliminary research proposal on the topic to the above contact(s). It is strongly advised to visit the IAMT website as well as read the numerous publications on the topic.

3, Synergetic Redox Reaction in Tandem on Membrane Support for Efficient Removal on Refractory Organics
Access to clean and affordable water free from chemical and biological contaminants remains one of the most critical global challenges of the 21st century, which is difficult to address adequately by conventional water treatment processes. Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are considered as a one of the most effective methods for the removal of organic pollutants. These processes are mainly based on non-selective character of reactive oxygen species with high oxidation potential, such as hydroxyl radicals (•OH), sulfate radicals (SO4•–) and singlet oxygen (1O2). However, there are some persistent refractory organics (such as chlorinated or perfluorinated organic micropollutants) that cannot be effectively degraded by single oxidation process due to their high reaction energy barrier.
Most importantly, these substances would pose great adverse health risks, once entered into the environment, because of their significant toxicity at even low concentrations.
Tandem catalysis can be a promising approach for the effective and complete elimination of the most persistent refractory organics, which integrated multiple consecutive chemical reactions under similar or identical conditions in a single catalytic system in a membrane support. The refractory organics would be transformed to some certain intermediates with lower reaction energy barriers, then immediately degraded by reactive oxygen species and be further converted to H2O, CO2, and other harmless products. The reaction occurs in membrane pores, which accelerates mass transfer and hence apparent kinetics. Therefore, the rational design on tandem catalytic process could meet the effective removal on refractory organics with lower energy consumption. The key to obtain such a high-efficiency catalytic system is the design and synthesis of highly performing bi- and multifunctional catalysts or interface with controlled active components and ideal spatial distributions.
Redox synergy has been found to achieve efficient removal of the chlorinated organics (such as pchloroaniline). Electrochemical process holds the potential to build a redox synergistic reaction system, for the simultaneous generation and coexisting of both reductive and oxidizing species. The goal of the candidate will be to design and build a platform to take the advantage of this process intensification strategy for the efficient removal of refractory organics. The candidate will be fully supported by our team and work in a synergistic approach with benefiting from a variety of sound experimental methods and cutting-edge analysis and testing tools. The results of the candidate will be expected to advance the research of the tandem catalysis in environmental application.
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