24小时热门版块排行榜     石溪大学接受考研调剂申请>

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[交流] 美国尤他州立大学招收两名全奖博士生,固体力学-多尺度计算方向

Openings for 2 Ph.D. students in solid mechanics, Utah State University Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering

We are a computational solid mechanics research group in the Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering at Utah State University (USU). We are recruiting 2 Ph.D. students with full assistantships to work on 2 NSF-funded projects. Admitted students will gain research experience in multiscale computations and data-driven modeling. The focus will be on energy storage materials. A master's degree in a relevant field is desirable, but not required. The 2 positions can start in fall 2022, or spring 2023. In addition to TOEFL, our department requires GRE scores. Interested applicants should send an email to haoran.wang@usu.edu as soon as possible.  

About me and the group: I joined the department of mechanical & aerospace engineering at Utah State University in 2020. I obtained my Ph.D. from UIUC in 2018. My group currently has 2 Ph.D. students. We recently received a half-million dollars' funding from NSF to conduct research in computational solid mechanics. For more information, please visit my research website https://sites.google.com/site/haoranwangsresearch/

About USU: USU is an R1 university, the highest-level classification for research institutions in the U.S.  It is located in Logan, Utah, which is one hour drive from Salt Lake City. USU has an annual research funding of more than $400 million, ranked in the top 80 among all the universities in the U.S.

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hwang163(金币+1): 谢谢参与
7楼: Originally posted by hwang163 at 2022-07-02 00:27:13

接受pte academic吗?雅思托福是多少分?

9楼2022-07-24 08:49:47
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