24小时热门版块排行榜     石溪大学接受考研调剂申请>

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新虫 (著名写手)

[交流] SCI期刊Molecules【IF:4.412】征稿—聚焦分子毒理学、癌症治疗

专刊网址 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/mol ... s_Toxicology_Cancer


Special Issue Information
Dear Colleagues,

Molecular toxicology is a field that investigates the interaction between chemical molecules and organisms at the molecular level. Chemical molecules, including, but not limited to, environmental pollutants, natural products, synthesized compounds and pharmaceuticals, are closely associated with the development, prevention and treatment of various disease such as cancer. Therefore, the toxic effects and mechanisms of chemical molecules, as well as their applications on cancer diagnosis and imaging, cancer therapeutic methods and anticancer drugs both fall within the scope of the Special Issue. Of course, experimental and theoretical studies (e.g., in silico modelling, computational toxicology, QSAR, artificial intelligence, machine learning and bioinformatics) as well as review articles are all welcome. We encourage scholars worldwide to consider devoting their time to the development of molecular toxicology and cancer prevention. We welcome papers in related fields to contribute to our Special Issue, so as to devote joint efforts in academic development.

Dr. Guohui Sun
Dr. Chongwen Wang
Guest EditorsSCI期刊Molecules【IF:4.412】征稿—聚焦分子毒理学、癌症治疗


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