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[交流] Villanova(费城)大学机械系 - 材料计算/机器学习方向 全额资助博士后

美国维拉诺瓦大学(Villanova University,Philadelphia, USnews排名49)机械工程系David Cereceda教授课题组现招收1名博士后,提供全额资助。

Postdoctoral researcher
Topic: Surface Effects on Plasma-Facing Materials Through First-Principles Calculations
• Ph.D. degree in Materials Science and Engineering, Physics, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, or closely related fields.
• Strong background in solid-state density-functional theory computations (VASP, QE).
• Strong computer skills: Linux, Python, etc.
• Experience performing ab initio simulations on high-performance computing environments.
• Experience with the development of novel methods for modeling the effects of structure and composition on interfacial chemical and electrochemical reactivity.
• Good publication record.
Starting date: The position is open beginning as early as September 1, 2022. The position is initially a one-year appointment, but funding is available for a second year.

Interested candidates are invited to email Dr. David Cereceda (david.cereceda@villanova.edu) with their latest CV, a statement describing their research experience and interests, B.S. and M.S. and PhD transcripts, and the contact information for 3 references, all as email attachments in PDF format. This and any other specific inquiries should be addressed with “#Name: Postdoc applicant-Fall-2022" in the subject line. Interested candidates are encouraged to submit these materials to Dr. David Cereceda before submitting the online application at Villanova University.


Dr. David Cereceda is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Villanova University. Before joining Villanova, Dr. David Cereceda was a Postdoctoral Fellow with Prof. Lori Graham-Brady at Johns Hopkins University, within the Hopkins Extreme Materials
Institute. His research at Hopkins is aimed at understanding the dynamic fragmentation of brittle materials under extreme loading conditions. Dr. David Cereceda received his Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering from Polytechnic University of Madrid in 2015, under the guidance of Prof. Jaime
Marian and Prof. José Manuel Perlado. His Ph.D. research, performed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and University of California Los Angeles, was focused on the multiscale modeling of body-centered cubic metals like tungsten from atomistic to engineering scales. His
current research focuses on facilitating the discovery, development, and deployment of next generation structural and bio-inspired materials by creating and validating computational models that leverage physics-based and data-driven techniques.

美国维拉诺瓦大学(Villanova University)是一所私立研究型大学,成立于1842年。学校历史悠久人文底蕴浓厚,校园内精美的哥特式建筑可追溯到1796年,美国独立战争前后。在建校的170余年里,学校致力于培养高素质的学生和科研人才,在2022年U.S. News 排名中,维拉诺瓦大学位列全美第49位。不仅如此,学校还拥有得天独厚的地理优势,距美国第五大城市费城市中心仅12英里,开车至纽约时代广场不到2小时,离美国首府华盛顿特区仅需2.5小时车程。学校虽比邻闹市,绿荫如盖的校园却为莘莘学子保留了独有的恬静,是诸多学子出国留学的梦萦之地。
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