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新虫 (小有名气)

[交流] 乔治梅森大学现招收机器学习-无线通信-信号处理方向博士研究生和CSC联合培养研究生


1. 机器学习:
- communication-efficient and robust distributed learning
- statistical machine learning with network data
- high-dimensional big data analytics
- secure and robust deep neural networks
2. 无线通信:
- cognitive radio and dynamic spectrum access
- massive mimo and millimeter-wave for nextG
- radio resource optimization and allocation
- internet of things, smart cities and mobile edge computing
3. 信号处理:
- compressive sensing and sparse optimization
- estimation and detection theory
- probabilistic inference
- array signal processing


Dr. Zhi Tian is a Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, since 2015. Prior to that, she was on the faculty of Michigan Technological University from 2000 to 2014.  She served as a Program Director at the US National Science Foundation (NSF) from 2012 to 2014. Her research interest lies in the areas of statistical signal processing, wireless communications, and estimation and detection theory. Current research focuses on compressed sensing for random processes, statistical inference of network data, distributed network optimization and learning, and millimeter-wave communications. She was an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer for both the IEEE Communications Society and the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society. She served as Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications and IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. She was General Co-Chair of the 2016 IEEE GlobalSIP Conference, and serves as Chair of the IEEE Signal Processing Society Big Data Special Interest Group. She was a Member-of-Large of the IEEE Signal Processing Society for the term of 2019-2021. She received a CAREER Award from the NSF in 2003. She is an IEEE Fellow.  


欢迎感兴趣的同学与田智教授联系,将个人简历,成绩单,研究兴趣发送至 ztian1 at gmu dot edu
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wangyue2732(金币+1): 谢谢参与

2楼2022-01-28 10:40:00
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wangyue2732(金币+1): 谢谢参与

3楼2022-01-28 10:47:48
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新虫 (小有名气)

我校ECE系博士入学免GRE要求!欢迎报考!请将简历、成绩单、研究兴趣发送至 ztian1@gmu.edu
4楼2022-02-05 10:16:45
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Wang ZR

金虫 (小有名气)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖

5楼2023-02-03 23:02:30
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