24小时热门版块排行榜     石溪大学接受考研调剂申请>

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金虫 (小有名气)

[交流] Seattle Cell Science Symposium 2022已有1人参与

THURSDAY, 1/27/2022 - FRIDAY, 1/28/2022
8:30am-12:00pm Pacific Time daily

https://alleninstitute.org/what- ... nce-symposium-2022/

Seattle Cell Science Symposium 2022

‘’Join us for the sixth annual Seattle Cell Science Symposium! The 2022 Symposium will be hosted virtually and will feature two half-days of presentations from leaders in the field of cell biology. The overarching theme of the event is "Data integration from multiomics to imaging".

Presentations will highlight new technologies that combine high throughput imaging and omics data to create a multifaceted perspective of cell biology. These collective efforts will contribute to understanding cell states and identities in a spatiotemporal manner.

Each day will also include a panel discussion on the future of the field and team talks from the Allen Institute for Cell Science.‘’

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铜虫 (正式写手)

love is love.
2楼2022-01-26 22:00:23
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铜虫 (正式写手)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
Could I get other websites about "Seattle Cell Science Symposium 2022"? I found this web address can't be opened.
love is love.
3楼2022-01-26 22:07:11
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铜虫 (正式写手)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
好的,可以打开了。I will join it.
love is love.
4楼2022-01-26 22:13:55
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