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[交流] 澳洲昆士兰大学化工方向-全额奖学金

我们招聘一个博士生,参与一个由三个国家的研究人员组织的研究团队,研究泡沫的界面性质,开发突破性技术。见下面的奖学金广告和申请步骤。此类重点奖学金要求申请人具有较好的GPA和较强的研究能力,申请人需要对界面科学和测试有所了解。根据最近的US NEWS 排名,UQ大学总体世界排名第36,UQ的化学工程和资源加工工程也是世界领先专业

This Earmarked Scholarship project is aligned with a recently awarded Category 1 research grant. It offers you the opportunity to work with leading researchers and contribute to large projects of national significance.

Froth flotation is widely used in fuel and mineral processing plants to separate value commodities into concentrates from wastes. Persistent froth in the flotation concentrates presents operational challenges in downstream processing. For example, in the sumps where flotation concentrates are pumped to the dewatering process, the liquid level sensors often fail to detect the persistent froth which may lead to flooding of the processing area or even the entire plant. In dewatering to separate the solids/oils in the concentrate from water, persistent froth significantly reduces both thickening and filtration efficiencies. Froth in wet stockpiles of the solids product can also cause sudden collapse of stockpiles, a major safety concern. As a result, persistent froth in fuel and mineral processing plants not only presents operational challenges that decrease the plant productivity, but also poses environmental risks through “loss of containment”.

The objective of this project is to understand the interfacial properties of persistent froth. Persistent froth existing in coal preparation plants, copper processing plants and oil extraction plants will be simulated in the laboratory first and then the interactions occurring at solid/liquid/gas interfaces will be determined through advanced measurement and modelling. The research outcomes will guide other researchers within the same team to develop novel technologies to destabilize persistent froth. The PhD candidate will participate in trainings and plant trials in three countries.


https://graduate-school.uq.edu.a ... es-persistent-froth


Professor Yongjun Peng

School of Chemical Engineering

Email: yongjun.peng@uq.edu.au

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7楼2022-01-24 08:56:55
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