24小时热门版块排行榜     石溪大学接受考研调剂申请>

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[交流] 悉尼大学计算机系招收两名PhD Student, 2022年入学

Future System Architecture lab (FSA) at University of Sydney is looking for two full time Ph.D. RAs. The main research goal is to explore and design future complex heterogeneous architectures and system software. Potential scope includes planet-scale VR/AR system (metaverse system design), System Machine Learning (System ML) and high performance computing . During your Ph.D., you will have opportunities collaborating with world-best system and architecture research groups as well as our industry partners. This position prefers applicants who have strong programming skills, good understanding of computer architecture and familiar with system programming, with strong self-motivation for investigating application areas like large-scale deep learning systems, metaverse systems, etc. FSA is directed by professor Shuaiwen Leon Song and currently the group focuses on emerging system hardware-software design.

University of Sydney is constantly ranked at top 50 universities in the world ( e.g., US. News 28th). Based on csranking.org, USYD CS is ranked at No.1 in Australia. UYSD System, Architecture and HPC research are ranked at No.1 in Australia as well, according to csrankings.org.

For detailed information, please visit https://shuaiwen-leon-song.github.io/

Additionally, applicants with any of the following qualifications are particularly preferred:
* Applicants with masters degree or working experience in the industry will be given preference;
* Research or development experience in general computer architecture domain, specifically, many-core accelerators such as GPUs or FPGA or RISC-V;
* Research or development experience in computer graphics, edge computing, high performance computing, or cloud computing;
* Research experience in quantum system or quantum computing (e.g., U of Sydney has Microsoft Quantum hub)
* Expertise in deep learning algorithms, deep learning computation system design and optimization, metaverse related research experience are also desired.
* Strong architecture and compiler background is desired.
* Candidates with previous track records in top tier conferences or journals are also preferred.

For detailed information regarding this position, please feel free to contact professor Song at shuaiwen.song@sydney.edu.au
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