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[交流] 美国西达赛奈医疗中心(附属UCLA)生物工程方向(BME)招聘项目科学家和博士后

加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA), U.S. News世界大学排名全美公立大学第一名, 也在过去五年蝉联公立大学第一名。在几个主要排行榜如U.S. News, ARWU, THE全球排名13-15名。西达赛奈医疗中心,Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, 附属于UCLA, 是世界领先的医学中心和大型综合医院,在全美最佳医院排行榜上名列第六,仅次于麻省总医院(附属于哈佛大学医学院)。https://baike.baidu.com/item/西达赛奈/16311902
1)博士研究生3名,入读UCLA生物工程系,申请截止期为2021年12月1日, 2022年9月份入学,可现在开始工作提前毕业。理工科背景:BME, EE, Physics,其他工程。 https://www.bioeng.ucla.edu/graduate-admissions/
2)项目科学家Project scientist 1名;博士后2名。待遇丰厚。
GPA 3.5+ 或者 A- 以上,国内top 10大学或有其他特长者可放宽。
生物医学工程,医学影像, 磁共振成像(MRI).
具体方向包括:磁共振成像(MRI), MRI technical development; Clinical application; Novel MRI hardware development; MRI data acquisition; Data & image processing including big data, deep learning and artificial intelligence.
另外,医学影像有望成为AI最先实现突破的少数几个领域之一,是top AI startups一流人工智能创新公司的主攻领域。
Prof. Hui Han, 韩教授是美国西达赛奈医疗中心磁共振工程实验室主任。韩教授的学术任职包括:国际华人医学磁共振学会 (OCSMRM) 侯任主席,国际医学磁共振学会磁共振工程学组(ISMRM MR Engineering Study Group)侯任主席,国际磁共振首届2023磁共振工程线下学术会议组委会主席。韩教授是磁共振工程领域公认的开拓和领导者。他首先提出的MRI技术,已被世界许多一流的研究组所采纳,包括哈佛和麻省理工,斯坦福,UC伯克利,凯斯西储大学,GE和Siemens医疗等;也是美国白宫“脑计划” (BRAIN Initiative)关于"下一代人类大脑成像器械和技术”的一个在研方向, 是多个千万美元级别NIH在研课题的核心创新要件之一。韩教授最近获选国际医学磁共振学会(ISMRM)磁共振工程学组侯任主席,是近10余年获选的唯一华人,该学组是历史最久人数最多的ISMRM学组之一,目前有来自约50个国家的600多位会员。https://baike.baidu.com/item/人类大脑计划/15681332
实验室坐落在洛杉矶西好莱坞的标志性建筑太平洋设计中心,有超过200平方米的面积和一流设施。韩教授目前主持美国国家卫生院(NIH)的三个在研课题,包括两个R01课题。实验室目前是磁共振工程领域全美获NIH基金资助力度最大的实验室之一。最新的两个R01课题分别获得1%和3%的高分。近期实验室的其中一篇投稿在Nature Biomedical Engineering (期刊影响因子26)第四轮修改中。实验室工作,受到同行业包括GE, Philips, Siemens (GPS)等国际影像巨头的密切关注。实验室在引领一个新兴的分支方向,该方向被业界认为是会改变整个MRI的主要方向之一 (one of three areas“what is cool, hot, & needed in MRI”that will shape the field in the future)。他也多次被通用医疗和西门子医疗邀请讲座,包括被通用磁共振威斯康辛州总部以及西门子德国总部邀请,讨论磁共振将来的发展方向。
Interested applicants please contact:
Hui Han, PhD
Director of MR Engineering
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (A teaching hospital affiliate of UCLA)
8700 Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90048
Email: hui.han@cshs.org
Prof. Hui Han is Director of MRI Engineering at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, which is a teaching hospital affiliate of UCLA and is a world-leading academic medical center and ranks #6 nationally on the Best Hospitals Honor Roll. The Han lab is recruiting several PhD students (all fully funded) who will be enrolled in the Department of Bioengineering at UCLA by September 2022. The application deadline is December 1st, 2021.
The candidates will join a highly innovative and interdisciplinary research program and work in a new exciting, fast-growing field of MRI. The students will receive a comprehensive training on several aspects of MRI including MRI principles, data & image acquisition and processing including ML/DL/AI, advanced MRI technical development and clinical application. Interest and experiences in hardware development are a plus but are not required. Our research focus is to develop translational MRI techniques and tools for unmet clinical needs in imaging throughout the human body from brain to heart. The Han Lab comprises a newly constructed lab space (2,000 sq. ft.) in the iconic Pacific Design Center in West Hollywood and a secondary lab space (150 sq. ft.) in Imaging Core Facility.
Dr. Han is recognized as a pioneer and international leader in the field of MRI Engineering. Groundbreaking MRI technology he proposed has been adapted by many world-leading research groups including Harvard/MIT, Stanford, UC Berkeley, Case Western, GE and Siemens HealthCare. The technology is also one of key innovations in multiple ongoing large-scale, the White House BRAIN Initiative projects across the country on “Development of Next Generation Human Brain Imaging Tools and Technologies”. Dr. Han is currently the Principal Investigator of 3 major NIH awards. Innovation of his work is partly evidenced by two highly scored R01 awards: one R01 project on improving cardiovascular imaging (3 percentile rank), and the other on brain imaging (1 percentile). His lab is one of the most funded labs by NIH in the US in his field.
Dr. Han is the President-elect of the Overseas Chinese Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (OCSMRM) to be installed in 2023 which is the largest international Chinese MRI society in medicine. He is also the Chair-elect of the ISMRM MR Engineering Study Group to be installed in 2023, one of the largest MR Study Groups comprising over 600 members from about 50 countries. ISMRM is the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. He will organize the first in-person International ISMRM Conference on MR Engineering in 2023. Two past postdocs from his lab became assistant Professors. Several other trainees became employees in top American companies. One of manuscripts from his lab is currently under revision after three round reviews by editor and external reviewers at a prestigious journal Nature Biomedical Engineering (IF = 26).


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