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[交流] 香港城市大学材料科学与工程系诚聘 Flexible Electronics 方向博后

Postdocs in Flexible Electronics

The City University of Hong Kong, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Atoms-to-Systems Lab has several openings for postdoc researchers. Our core expertise in nanomaterials synthesis, electronic device fabrication, sensors and energy storage devices. The lab is also affiliated with the Hong Kong Research Centre for Cerebro-Cardiovascular Health Engineering, conducting R&D in flexible medical electronics.

As the position is for work in flexible/stretchable electronics, the applicant must have strong prior publications in one of the areas:
1. Flexible/stretchable materials and devices
2. Sensors
3. Other related areas, e.g.: polymer, hydrogels/ionogels

Applicants without prior relevant publications but with an exceptionally strong record may also apply. Further details are on our lab website (www.atomstosystems.com).

Applicants should indicate which of two tracks: (1) regular track – those with a PhD in a related discipline, and (2) special track – those who *have graduated* from a top 100 university, according to these rankings: https://app.box.com/s/1aoc869dha9dhxqfezq9necj4ydmqmsl

Please email to Dr. Derek Ho, Associate Professor, CityU Materials Science and Engineering (derekho@cityu.edu.hk). Positions will be open until filled. As applications are considered immediately, it is advantageous to apply as soon as possible. In the email, please (i) mention eligibility to which of above tracks, submit (ii) CV in English, and (iii) PDFs of first author publications. Complete applications will be considered with priority.
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