24小时热门版块排行榜     石溪大学接受考研调剂申请>

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The Song Lab at University of Pennsylvania/Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia is seeking creative and
dedicated individuals with a strong passion for research, curiosity and self-motivation. Our lab offers
an exciting opportunity to work in a closely collaborative, inspiring and dynamic environment.
The long-term goal of the Song lab is to elucidate the cellular and molecular basis governing the formation,
maintenance and function of neural circuits under physiological and pathological conditions. We are particularly
interested in understanding how nervous system copes with injury and are developing strategies to promote
neuroregeneration. We have established Drosophila injury models, are performing genetic screens to identify
pathways regulating regeneration, are testing the evolutionary conservation of the novel regeneration
regulators combining with mammalian injury models, and focus on targeting both the intrinsic and extrinsic
mechanisms. With a background in neural development, neural circuits and behavior, fly and mouse genetics,
injury and neurodegeneration, and tumor models, our lab offers a unique skillset to achieve this goal.

Our lab is focused on three main themes:

1. Elucidating the mechanisms underlying neural degeneration and regeneration
2. Developing fly models for studying human neurodevelopmental disorders
3. Developing fly models for studying tumorigenesis
Visit our lab website for more details http://songlab.research.chop.edu.

Here is a shortlist of our recent publications:

1. Li D*#, Wang Q*, Gong NN, Kurolap A, Feldman HB, Boy N, Brugger M, Grand K, McWalter K, Sacoto MJG,
Wakeling E, Hurst J, March ME, Bhoj EJ, Nowaczyk MJM, Gonzaga-Jauregui C, Mathew M, Dava-Wala S, Siemon
A, Bartholomew D, Huang Y, Lee H, Martinez JA, Schwaibold EMC, Brunet T, Choukair D, Pais LS, White SM,
Christodoulou J, Brown D, Lindstrom K, Grebe T, Tiosano D, Kayser MS, Tan TY, Deardorff MA, Song Y#,
Hakonarson A. Pathogenic variants in SMARCA5, a chromatin remodeler, cause a range of syndromic
neurodevelopmental features. Science Advances 2021 In press. #Co-corresponding authors.
2. Li F, Sami A, Noristani HN, Slattery K, Qiu J, Groves T, Wang S, Veerasammy K, Chen YX, Morales J, Hanes P,
Sehgal A, He Y, Li S#, and Song Y#. Glial metabolic reprograming promotes axon regeneration and functional
recovery in the central nervous system. Cell Metabolism 32(5): 767-785, November 2020.
3. Wang Q, Fan H, Li F, Sharum SR, Krishnamurthy V, Song Y#, Zhang K#. Optical control of ERK and AKT
signaling promotes axon regeneration and functional recovery of PNS and CNS in Drosophila. eLife 9, October
2020. #Co-corresponding authors.
4. Muir AM, Cohen JL, Sheppard SE, Guttipatti P, Lo TY, Weed N, Doherty D, Fagerberg C, Kjærsgaard L, Larsen
MJ, Wemmenhove-Lohner K, Hirsh Y, Zeevi DA, Zackai EH, Bhoj E, Song Y#, Mefford HC#. Bi-allelic Loss-of-
Function Variants in NUP188 Cause a Recognizable Syndrome Characterized by Neurologic, Ocular, and
Cardiaac Abnormalities. Am J Hum Genet. 106(5): 623-631, May 2020. #Co-corresponding authors.
5. Monahan Vargas EJ*, Matamoros AJ*, Qiu J*, Jan CH, Wang Q, Gorczyca D, Han TW, Weissman JS, Jan YN,
Banerjee S and Song Y. The microtubule regulator ringer functions downstream from the RNA repair/splicing
pathway to promote axon regeneration. Genes and Development 34(3-4): 194-208, February 2020.
6. Song Y#, Li D, Farrelly O, Miles L, Li F, Kim SE, Lo TY, Wang F, Li T, Thompson-Peer KL, Gong J, Murthy SE,
Coste B, Yakubovich N, Patapoutian A, Yang X, Rompolas P, Jan LY, Jan YN#. The mechanosensitive ion
channel Piezo inhibits axon regeneration. Neuron 102(2): 373-389, February 2019. #Co-corresponding authors.

Successful candidates will benefit from the thriving and collegial UPenn/CHOP research community, tailored
career development guidance, state-of-the-art research facilities and excellent benefits packages. Applicants
should have a PhD and/or MD degree, and background in fly genetics, mammalian injury models or
bioinformatics is highly recommended. Prospective applicants should send a brief statement of research, CV
and the names and contact information of three references to Yuanquan Song at songy2@chop.edu.

It is your accomplishment that leads to the success of the lab!

Yuanquan Song, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
The Raymond G. Perelman Center for Cellular and Molecular Therapeutics
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, PA 19104
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