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新虫 (小有名气)

[求助] material studio 构建环氧树脂交联模型之后,导入到lammps中data文件键角参数缺失已有1人参与

各位好,我最近用material studio 构建环氧树脂,采用的是pcff力场,交联反应完成后,采用msi2lmp将模型转化为lammps中的data文件,但是一部分键角信息无法识别,请问各位这种应该怎么处理,手动处理的话,如何获取相应的参数?
Get force field parameters for this system
Unable to find bond data for nb c2
Unable to find angle data for cp nb c2
Unable to find bondbond data for cp nb c2
Unable to find bondangle data for cp nb c2
Unable to find angle data for c2 nb c2
Unable to find bondbond data for c2 nb c2
Unable to find bondangle data for c2 nb c2
Unable to find angle data for hn nb c2
Unable to find bondbond data for hn nb c2
Unable to find bondangle data for hn nb c2
Unable to find bondbond data for cp c cp
Unable to find bondangle data for cp c cp
Unable to find bondbond data for cp oc c2
Unable to find bondangle data for cp oc c2
Unable to find angle data for nb c2 c1
Unable to find bondbond data for nb c2 c1
Unable to find bondangle data for nb c2 c1
Unable to find angle data for hc c2 nb
Unable to find bondbond data for hc c2 nb
Unable to find bondangle data for hc c2 nb
Unable to find torsion data for cp cp nb c2
Unable to find endbonddihedral data for cp cp nb c2
Unable to find midbonddihedral data for cp cp nb c2
Unable to find angledihedral data for cp cp nb c2
Unable to find angleangledihedral data for cp cp nb c2
Unable to find bond13 data for cp cp nb c2
Unable to find torsion data for cp nb c2 c1
Unable to find endbonddihedral data for cp nb c2 c1
Unable to find midbonddihedral data for cp nb c2 c1
Unable to find angledihedral data for cp nb c2 c1
Unable to find angleangledihedral data for cp nb c2 c1
Unable to find bond13 data for cp nb c2 c1
Unable to find torsion data for cp nb c2 hc
Unable to find endbonddihedral data for cp nb c2 hc
Unable to find midbonddihedral data for cp nb c2 hc
Unable to find angledihedral data for cp nb c2 hc
Unable to find angleangledihedral data for cp nb c2 hc
Unable to find bond13 data for cp nb c2 hc
Unable to find torsion data for c2 nb c2 c1
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金虫 (正式写手)

把力场改变成compass 或compass II

2楼2021-01-23 23:05:54
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新虫 (初入文坛)


3楼2023-02-03 15:42:35
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铁虫 (初入文坛)

3楼: Originally posted by fqcd_ at 2023-02-03 15:42:35

4楼2023-07-01 11:45:27
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