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木虫 (著名写手)

[交流] Design of hybrid materials for energy conversion

法国波尔多大学Thierry Toupance诚招2021年具有有机化学合成背景的博士研究生(法国波尔多大学),课题主要内容是有机无机杂合物的制备及其在能源转换方面的应用(光电转换为主),申请者有意向申请国家公派的博士研究生更好。

本人之前所在课题组chimie moléculaire et matériaux (c2m),目前通过波尔多大学-csc签署的合作协议诚招博士研究生,研究方向为:
Design of hybrid materials for energy conversion,如有意向请联系本人浙大邮箱:lsl1231@zju.edu.cn,我会将具体招生信息发给你。

法国波尔多大学(université de bordeaux)是法国最著名的综合性研究型大学之一,成立于1971年,在2016法国国内综合大学排名中排名第4名。专业设置包括:微电子、细胞生物序文及生理学、软件、生物、地球及宇宙科学数学工程、数学、工业化学、技术管理及手段、精细化工、工业生产管理-创新项目的管理、农业食品工业与国际贸易、生物学与健康、物理学、机械学、电子、电子学、电子技术、自动化、组织生物学、细胞生物序文、历史、哲学与科学媒介、生理学、电子技术和自动化、保险、银行、数学工程、统计工程、经济工程、金融、工业信息自动化、建筑学与建筑工程、化学、组织生物学专业、普通生物学、数学工程、数学、力学与工程学、信息方法应用与管理、物理、计算机等。


课题组大老板prof. thierry toupance是波尔多大学化学博士学院院长,本人之前的supervisor,是一位经验极其丰富的法国波尔多大学教授,博士生导师。课题组老板最大的好处是积极帮忙尽快发高水平文章,从来不拖沓,而且会主动在写作方面帮忙。




研究方向详情请见附件。如果各位有问题需要咨询,欢迎联系Prof. Thierry Toupance(邮箱:thierry.toupance@u-bordeaux.fr,请用英文或法文)

PhD Topic for Chinese Scholarship Council
Design of hybrid materials for energy conversion
Project supervisor:
Prof. Thierry TOUPANCE
+ 33 (0)5 40 00 25 23
Institute of Molecular Sciences – UMR CNRS 5255
Molecular Chemistry and Materials (C2M group)
351, cours de la Libération
33405 TALENCE - France
Doctoral School:
Doctoral School in Chemical Sciences
Director : Prof. Thierry Toupance
Combining at the nanometer scale semi-conducting metal oxide with organic functionalities gives rise to functional hybrid materials with promising applications in various fields such as catalysis, sensing, opto-electronics and energy conversion. The fine control of the interface between the organic and the inorganic networks constitutes a key requirement to reach good stability and reproducible properties. On the other hand, development of semiconducting metal oxide heterostructures by solution routes led to nanoporous materials showing enhanced photocatalytic properties. In this context, our group has developed on one hand organic-inorganic hybrid systems based on semi-conducting metal oxides, in which strong covalent or iono-covalent linkages exist between both networks, to obtain new functional materials for photovoltaic conversion,1 and on the other hand metal oxide heterostructures by solution processes to yield nanocatalysts for photocatalysis.2
The present topic aims to design and synthesize new organic-inorganic metal oxide hybrid systems for energy conversion purpose by anchoring phthalocyanine derivatives onto oxide particles.3 Thus, metallophthalocyanines showed unique properties in terms of strong light absorption in the far visible region of the solar spectrum along with good chemical stability which allows to confer solar light absorption properties to wide band metal oxide semiconductors in order to obtain hybrid organic-inorganic systems able to convert light into electricity or to generate solar
groups on the other side to provide push-pull systems able to achieve efficient charge separation after light absorption. Once these metallophthalocyanines synthesized and their electronic properties fully characterized, they will be combined with suitable semiconducting metal oxides to obtain hybrid systems that will be tested in energy conversion applications.
On the other hand, a second strategy consisting in the photodeposition of inorganic pigment onto semiconducting metal oxides will be developed. First faceted n-type metal oxide nanoparticles, such as BiVO4, will be prepared using different solution routes,4 which will be then decorated with various metal (Ag, Au, Pt) or metal oxide (CoOx, NiOx, CuOx) dots using the photodeposition routes.5 These resulting heteronanostructures will be tested for solar fuels production.6
1. a) G. Vilaça, et al. Adv. Mater., (2006), 18, 1073; b) L. Cojocaru et al. J. Mater. Chem. A, (2013), 1, 13789 ; c) S. De Sousa, et al. Chem. Eur. J., (2014), 20, 7017 ; d) Y. Nicolas et al., Chem. Eu. J., (2014), 20, 3678 ; e) J. Massin, et al. J. Phys. Chem. C, (2014), 118, 10677 ; f) S. Lyu et al. Dyes Pigments., (2018), 158, 326.
2. a) T. Uddin et al. J. Phys.Chem. C, (2013), 117, 22098. b) T. Uddin et al. J. Phys. Chem. C, (2015), 119, 7006. c) T. Uddin et al. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., (2015), 17, 5090-5102. d) T. Uddin et al. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., (2017), 19, 19279. e) S. Kashiwaya et al. New J. Chem., (2018), 42, 18649. f) S. Kashiwaya et al. Adv. Ener. Mater., (2018), 182195. g) S. Kashiwaya et al. ACS Appl. Nanomater., (2019), 2, 4793. h) Y. Hermans et al. Adv. Funct. Mater., (2020), 30, 1910432.
3. a) Z. Youssef et al. Dyes Pigments., (2018), 159, 49. b) P. Brogdon et al. ChemSusChem, (2018), 11, 86.
4. a) C.-T. Dinh et al. ACS Nano, (2009), 3, 3737. b) M. Han et al. CrystEngComm, (2011), 13, 6674. C) G. Xi et al. Chem. Commun. (2010), 46, 1893.
5. a) R. Li et al. Nat. Commun. (2013), 4, 1432. b) R. Li et al. Energy Environ. Sci. (2014), 7, 1369.
6. P. A. Bharad et al. ChemistrySelect (2018), 3, 12022.

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3楼: Originally posted by 海之蓝 at 2020-11-28 13:58:00

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lily520(金币+1): 谢谢参与

3楼2020-11-28 13:58:00
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新虫 (正式写手)

lily520(金币+1): 谢谢参与
3楼: Originally posted by 海之蓝 at 2020-11-28 13:58:00

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