24小时热门版块排行榜     石溪大学接受考研调剂申请>

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[交流] 挪威奥斯陆大学,计算机 高薪招聘博士生(年薪34万-37万)10.30截止,

奥斯陆大学高薪招聘博士生(年薪34-37万),与德国诺基亚研究院合作, 智能云计算,边缘计算,物联网方向, 3年, 欢迎申请。 有问题也可以联系我dapengl@ifi.uio.no, 2020.10.30截止,

项目组,导师,具体信息介绍请点链接: https://www.jobbnorge.no/en/avai ... -from-cloud-to-edge

奥斯陆大学(universitetet i oslo),建于1811年,是挪威规模最大、国际声誉最高、历史最悠久的综合性大学。它位于世界上人均收入最高 [1]  、联合国人类发展指数最高 [2]  以及生活水平最高 [3]  的国家挪威和全球消费水平最昂贵 [4]  的城市奥斯陆,由丹麦-挪威联盟时期最后一位国王弗雷德里克六世(frederick vi)于1811年下令建立。为了纪念该位国王,大学的名字在1939年之前为皇家弗雷德里克大学(det kongelige frederiks universitet),其后更名为奥斯陆大学。奥斯陆大学是挪威最顶尖的学术研究型大学,与瑞典的乌普萨拉大学、丹麦的哥本哈根大学以及芬兰的赫尔辛基大学一道,为北欧地区最著名的四所综合性古典大学。奥斯陆大学在世界大学之林中拥有广泛的学术影响力,在2015年的世界大学学术排名(academic ranking of world universities)中,奥斯陆大学位列世界大学第58位以及欧洲第19位 [5]  。(来源: 百度百科)

the phd project is planned to be conducted in collaboration with the autonomous software systems research group at nokia bell labs in germany.
the phd candidate will be part of an excellent research team focusing on dynamic and intelligent computing models for cloud and edge. we are currently conducting the research in this field within two prestigious research projects: one international eu project h2020 morphemic, and one national project rcn dilute.  

job description
position as phd research fellow in cognitive computing from cloud to edge is available at the networks and distributed systems cluster (nd), department of informatics, university of oslo.

the fellowship period is three years.

the starting date for the position is negotiable, but preferably not later than january 2021.

no one can be appointed for more than one phd research fellowship period at the university of oslo.

qualification requirements
the faculty of mathematics and natural sciences has a strategic ambition to be among europe’s leading communities for research, education and innovation. candidates for these fellowships will be selected in accordance with this, and expected to be in the upper segment of their class with respect to academic credentials.

applicants must hold a master’s degree or equivalent in computer science
foreign completed degree (m.sc.-level) corresponding to a minimum of four years in the norwegian educational system
the candidate should have good analytical and programming skills.
the candidate should have interest and strong background in distributed computing, machine learning, and cloud computing.
the candidate should preferably have written a master thesis on programming or distributed computing aspects of cloud/edge/iot.
it is desirable that the candidate has good knowledge on fog computing, edge computing and 5g.
the evaluation considers many aspects of excellence, such as being ambitious, intellectually curious, hard-working, and dedicated.
fluent oral and written communication skills in english
grade requirements:

the norm is as follows:

the average grade point for courses included in the bachelor’s degree must be c or better in the norwegian educational system
the average grade point for courses included in the master’s degree must be b or better in the norwegian educational system
the master’s thesis must have the grade b or better in the norwegian educational system
fluent oral and written communication skills in english.
english requirements for applicants from outside of eu/ eea countries
the purpose of the fellowship is research training leading to the successful completion of a phd degree.

the fellowship requires admission to the phd programme at the faculty of mathematics and natural sciences. the application to the phd programme must be submitted to the department no later than two months after taking up the position. for more information see:


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