24小时热门版块排行榜     石溪大学接受考研调剂申请>

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[资源] Light-matter interactions with shaped photons and electrons @ NTU Singapore

We are seeking talented, independent-minded and highly motivated postdocs (PhD) and research associates (Bachelor's or Master's) ready to hit the ground running in light-matter interactions, and electron and photon waveshaping.  We are keen on both theoretical and experimental expertise.

Our group explores novel phenomena and groundbreaking applications arising from light-matter interactions. We aim to develop concepts and technologies for next-generation light sources based on new electron-photon interaction phenomena enabled by rapid developments in waveshaping and quantum materials. We are based at the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore (新加坡南洋理工大学).

We are looking for applicants with the following attributes:
•        Strong background in photonics, electron physics or electrodynamics-related fields
•        Self-motivated and highly independent.
•        Works well individually as well as in a team
•        Eager to learn new things and passionate about research

Postdocs should have strong background in one or more of the following topics (preferred also for research associates:
•        Topological charge and orbital angular momentum in electron/electromagnetic waves
•        Nondiffracting electron/electromagnetic beams
•        Nonlinear and ultrafast optics
•        Laser-electron interactions, light-matter interactions
•        Strong-field quantum electrodynamics

For more details of our research, visit our
•        Group website (replace “@@” by “oo”): https://sites.g@@gle.com/view/ljwgroup
•        LinkedIn: https://sg.linkedin.com/in/liang-jie-wong-795860193

Interested parties should contact Prof. Wong Liang Jie at email address liangjie.wong (at) ntu (dot) edu (dot) sg with CV, full academic transcripts and the contact details of 3 references. For processing purposes, we require all communications and documents to be in English.

» 本帖附件资源列表

  • 欢迎监督和反馈:小木虫仅提供交流平台,不对该内容负责。
  • 附件 1 : ljwgroup_openings_v7.pdf
  • 2020-10-16 21:03:53, 327.77 K

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