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金虫 (小有名气)

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新虫 (初入文坛)


Development orientation and realization path of public library service from the perspective of smart public service

Abstract: the era of information technology has created intelligent public service. The contradiction between the traditional public library service and the high-quality demand of public cultural service makes the development of intelligent service of Public Library inevitable. Combined with the new characteristics of the balance and accuracy of supply and demand, the democracy and science of decision-making, and the equality and accuracy of supply brought by smart public services, this paper points out three development orientations of public library services from the perspective of smart public services, namely, facing the needs of the public interests, providing accurate services, and accelerating the expansion and sharing of resources Based on the challenges faced by the integration development of "technology + library", this paper discusses the realization path of improving the service efficiency of public library.
2楼2020-10-06 09:49:34
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至尊木虫 (知名作家)


The Development Orientation and Realization Path of Public Library Service from the Perspective of Smart Public Service

Abstract: The era of information technology has created smart public services. The contradiction between traditional public library services and the high-quality needs of public cultural services has made the development of smart public libraries inevitable. The article combines the new characteristics of the balance and accuracy of supply and demand brought by smart public services for the supply of public services, the democratic and scientific decision-making, and the equality and accuracy of supply, and points out the service orientation of public libraries from the perspective of smart public services The three major development orientations of public interest needs, provision of precise services, and accelerated resource expansion and sharing. Based on the analysis of the challenges faced by the integration and development of "smart technology + library", the realization path of public library service efficiency improvement is discussed.
3楼2020-10-06 12:05:20
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