24小时热门版块排行榜     石溪大学接受考研调剂申请>

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[交流] 香港城市大学 计算机系P和D招生

给我们老板打个广告~老板人很好,学术氛围很自由。个人感觉老板很幽默,但是经常装作非常严肃。老板会push你,但不会非常push,力度刚刚好,都得靠自觉。感兴趣的小朋友,可以访问老板的个人主页 http://www.cityu.edu.hk/stfprofile/kc.w.htm

============== CityU PhD Student (Data Science and Bioinformatics) Recruitment =====================

City University of Hong Kong (48th World University according to World QS Ranking 2021)  is inviting you for PhD fellowship applications in Data Science / Bioinformatics / High-impact Computing.

https://www.topuniversities.com/ ... sity-hong-kong#wurs

If successful, US$3400 per month can be provided. Otherwise, the regular studentship of US$2200 per month will also be considered and provided to shortlisted candidates.

*** Self-Financed options are also available and especially welcomed. Please contact kc.w@cityu.edu.hk

The following are the application steps.

Step 1:

Applicants should first submit an initial application at the RGC's Online Application System (OAS) ( www.rgc.edu.hk/hkphd) to obtain a RGC reference number (RGC’s deadline: 1 December 2020 [12.00.00 GMT +8 hours]).

Step 2:

Applicants are then required to submit full application, together with supporting documents, to CityU's Online Admission System (https://www.cityu.edu.hk/pg/research-degree-programmes/apply-now), and quote the RGC reference number (CityU’s deadline: 1 December 2020). Please put down "Ka-Chun Wong" as your potential supervisor in your applications (i.e. please type "Ka-Chun Wong" in the question "If you have contact any CityU academic staff member, please provide his/her fullname." in the *Other Information* section in the CityU(HK) graduate school application system); otherwise, your applications may not reach us.

Announcement of Fellowship results by the RGC: March 2021

Firm admission offer with regular postgraduate studentship will be given to selected CityU’s nominees, even if they are not awarded the Fellowship by the RGC. The admission offer will be confirmed by the University in January 2021.

Should you wish to know more about the Scheme, please visit our website ( http://www.cityu.edu.hk/sgs/hkphd/index.htm) or contact School of Graduate Studies by sgfellow@cityu.edu.hk

*** Self-Financed options are also available and especially welcomed. Please contact kc.w@cityu.edu.hk


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