24小时热门版块排行榜     石溪大学接受考研调剂申请>

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金虫 (小有名气)

[交流] 美国休斯顿卫理公会研究所招聘博后(Metabolism/Biochemistry/Molecular Biology)

Applicants interested in a Postdoctoral Fellowship are invited to apply for a position as part of the
research group led by Dr. Elvin Blanco, Assistant Professor in the Department of Nanomedicine
at the Houston Methodist Research Institute in the Texas Medical Center. The overall focus of
the lab involves the application of nanotherapeutic strategies for the treatment of cardiovascular
and chronic lung diseases.
One of the focus areas of the lab involves targeting dysregulated metabolic profiles and
mitochondrial dysfunction in diseases such as atherosclerosis, pulmonary fibrosis, and other
diseases. Our work consists of reprogramming metabolically-compromised cells with the aim of
rescuing cellular bioenergetics and hindering disease progression. The work is translational,
involving initial evaluation in cell-based models and subsequent exploration in in vivo models of
Highly motivated and enthusiastic postdoctoral candidates interested in undertaking this
interdisciplinary research should possess expertise in cellular metabolism, biochemistry, and
molecular or cell biology, with substantial experience in: 1) mitochondrial dynamics and metabolic
processes; 2) cell culture (e.g. maintenance of various cell lines, etc.); 3) molecular biology
analytical techniques and assays (e.g. flow cytometry, Western blot, etc.); and 4) optical imaging
techniques (confocal microscopy). Experience with rodent handling and in vivo studies (e.g.
substance administration) is highly desirable. Moreover, the candidate should have excellent
written and spoken communication skills. Lastly, the candidate should have experience in
manuscript preparation and the ability to work well in a collaborative and productive setting with
other investigators and clinicians.
Interested candidates should provide a CV along with contact information for three references to

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2020-02-26 21:15   回复  
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