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[交流] 新加坡国立大学量子技术中心罗?倩课题组2020年博士生招聘


新加坡国立大学量子技术中心 (Centre for Quantum Technologies, CQT) 罗?倩(Huanqian Loh)课题组正在计划搭建新的光镊阵列平台用于量子模拟实验。罗教授课题组计划招收一名2020年8月入学的博士研究生参与实验平台搭建。



有兴趣的学生欢迎直接联系Huanqian Loh教授:phylohh@nus.edu.sg


2020 opening for PhD position in Loh Lab at the Centre for Quantum Technologies, NUS

The group of Prof. Huanqian Loh is starting a new experiment on tweezer arrays for quantum simulation. We are actively searching for an incoming PhD student (start date: August 2020) to build the new experiment.

This project presents a rare opportunity to be involved in the experiment design, construction, and data taking from ground up, thereby offering a comprehensive training ground for the skills involved in atomic, molecular, and optical physics.

Talented and motivated students are highly encouraged to apply for the CQT scholarship program, which accepts applications all year round and offers generous financial support along with a world-class education at NUS, which is consistently ranked among the top universities in Asia. Students should have a bachelor's or master's degree in physics or engineering physics by the time they enroll in CQT.

Interested students are strongly encouraged to contact Prof. Loh directly at phylohh@nus.edu.sg for more information.
Please include your CV, academic transcript, and contact information of 2 referees in your email. Applications will be considered from now until the position is filled.

Further details about the Loh research group can be found at https://lohlab.quantumlah.org

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