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[交流] 中佛罗里达大学ECE招收全奖PhD(体系结构/安全/机器学习方向)

招生学校:中佛罗里达大学 (University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida)
专业方向:计算机体系结构, 系统及硬件安全,AI/ML机器安全 高性能计算
• 具有电子或计算机,及相关科学本科及本科以上学历。
• Prefer有较好编程背景,理解操作系统原理,有一定的体系结构背景,或软件、机器学习基础者。
• 勤奋好学,脚踏实地。尤其欢迎肯将研究作为事业坚持下去的学生。

相关申请要求请参阅:http://www.ece.ucf.edu/graduate/admission.php. 如感兴趣请把你的简历(包括毕业学校、科研经历和相关成绩等信息)发往:fan.yao@ucf.edu

姚凡教授于2018年加入中佛罗里达大学电子计算机工程系担任Assistant Professor。姚凡教授毕业于乔治华盛顿大学(GWU), 主要研究方向包括计算机体系结构, 计算机安全,高性能计算,低能耗计算,人工智能及机器学习安全等前沿课题。在计算机体系结构及计算机系统方向国际顶级会议和期刊中发表多篇论文。更多信息访问姚凡教授的个人主页http://ece.ucf.edu/~fanyao/

根据2020年最新U.S. News美国高校专业排名,UCF 的计算机工程 (CE)和电子工程 (EE)分别位列全国第5253位。

中佛罗里达大学 (University of Central Florida, 简称UCF) 拥有超过67,000 的学生,是全美第一大的大学(in enrollment)。 UCF在2016年发布的美国专利数量排名世界第41位,在美国公立大学中排名前25。学校位于佛罗里达州高科技走廊中心并拥有出色的工业基础,有超高的就业率,毕业生就业排名全美第四位,与西门子,波音,洛克希德马丁等都保持了良好的伙伴关系。同时该学校所在地奥兰多市也是美国最著名的旅游胜地之一,以迪士尼和环球影城闻名世界,是世界上最好的休闲城市之一,气候宜人,湖泊众多,安全便利,距离奥兰多国际机场30分钟,距离迈阿密3个小时左右。

Dr. Fan Yao is the assistant professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department at the University of Central Florida. His research group currently has multiple PhD positions available starting from the 2020 Fall semester. His research interests are in the areas of computer architecture, security, machine learning, energy efficient computing. His works are published in leading system and architecture venues. He is the recipient of the Best Dissertation Award from George Washington University in 2018. Dr. Yao’s research is currently funded by the US National Science Foundation and through industrial support. For more information about his research, please visit http://www.ece.ucf.edu/~fanyao/ or his personal page: www.fan-yao.com

Research Vision
Computer system and architecture have arrived at a golden age. On one hand, performance and energy efficiency optimizations for today’s large-scale and QoS-oriented applications increasingly necessitate effective system resource management, heterogeneous computing and domain-specific designs. On the other hand, recent developments in architecture-based attacks have opened a new chapter for security where hardware and processor architecture could be the major source of threats. Architecting and designing next generation computer systems that promise high performance, energy efficiency and security require a comprehensive re-evaluation of contemporary computer system hierarchy, and more importantly a coherent co-design of hardware/architecture/software. Such mission undoubtedly comes with unprecedented challenges and will require enormous research efforts. With the burgeoning of applications where computers are increasingly performing critical tasks for humans, we challenge interested researchers and PhD students to look into architecture and system innovations to offer efficient, secure and intelligent computing infrastructure in this new decade.

Prospective students
Interested students with strong research motivations, solid backgrounds in computer architecture/systems, proficient programming skills (e.g., C/C++, python) are encouraged to contact him via email: fan.yao@ucf.edu.

About Our ECE Department
Our computer engineering and electrical engineering graduate program ranked52 and 53 nationally according to US News 2020 (https://www.ece.ucf.edu). ECE has strong educational and research programs, with over 350 graduate students and 1,000 undergraduates, and the state-of-the-art facilities. The department receives competitive research grants and awards from diversified sponsors including NSF, DOE, DOT, DARPA, NASA, ARO, AMD, Analog Devices, Harris, Intel, L-3 Communication, Leidos, Lockheed Martin, Siemens, and Texas Instruments as well as local high-tech start-ups.

About UCF
UCF has over 66,000 students and is the nation's largest university in undergraduate enrollment. Located in Orlando, UCF is at the center of Florida High Tech Corridor with an excellent industrial base in telecommunications, energy, computer systems, semiconductors, defense, space, lasers, simulation, software and the world-renowned entertainment/theme park industry. Exceptional weather, easy access to the seashore, one of the largest convention centers in the nation and an international airport that is among the world's best are just a few features that make the UCF/Orlando area ideal.

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2楼2020-02-09 13:04:02
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