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新虫 (初入文坛)

[求助] 审稿人意见major revision,改后重投悲剧,如何申诉?已有7人参与

各位同僚,在投稿BMC nephrology 之后两位审稿人给的意见都是major revision,后责编回信reject但是提出:如果可以point by point回复审稿意见,欢迎我们resubmit a new manuscript,按照责编的要求一一修改后resubmit,可是一个月后责编回信拒掉了,也没送审。我勒个去,这种情况有经验的同志指导一下,我是该申诉呢还是该申诉呢?责编为啥没送审直接拒掉了?下附信件内容:
第一次责编回信的内容:Peer review of your manuscript is now complete and, based on the reports, I am sorry to say that we cannot consider the manuscript for publication at this time.

We think it may be possible to revise your manuscript to address these comments but that this would require longer than our standard revision period. However, we are willing to consider your manuscript further once all the concerns have been addressed. Therefore, if you are able to address all of these concerns, please do submit a new manuscript to BMC Nephrology. If you are able to do this, a full covering letter, explaining the revisions made, should accompany the submission.

Their reports, together with any other comments, are below. Please also take a moment to check our website at https://www.editorialmanager.com/bnep/ for any additional comments that were saved as attachments. Please note that as BMC Nephrology has a policy of open peer review, you will be able to see the names of the reviewers.

If you can address all of these concerns raised, please do submit a new manuscript to https://www.editorialmanager.com/bnep/.

We request that a point-by-point response letter accompanies your revised manuscript. This letter must provide a detailed response to each reviewer/editorial point raised, describing what amendments have been made to the manuscript text and where these can be found (e.g. Methods section, line 12, page 5). Please also ensure that all changes to the manuscript are indicated in the text by highlighting or using track changes. If you disagree with any comments raised, please provide a detailed rebuttal to help explain and justify your decision.
Please note that this decision applies across the BMC-series journals (http://www.biomedcentral.com/authors/bmcseries#journallist). Therefore, if you were to submit your revised manuscript to another journal within the BMC series, your submission should also be accompanied by a full covering letter.

I wish you every success with your research and hope that you will consider us again in the f

Editor\'s comments:
The paper is useful but not of practical assistance. A sudden progression of renal dysfunction in patients with CKD already on a nephrotoxic chronic medication will always require a search for any reversible etiology.
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至尊木虫 (文坛精英)


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paperhunter: 金币+1, 鼓励交流 2019-12-12 22:02:14

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木虫 (正式写手)


2楼2019-12-11 22:20:49
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木虫 (著名写手)

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