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[交流] pointwise 18.3R2 新功能介绍

In V18.3 R2 we have added three new Examine functions that are vertex-centered (versus cell-centered). These will be of interest if you are using a vertex-centered, finite volume flow solver such as CFX, FUN3D, SU2, Tau, etc. The new metric functions are
1.        Vertex-Centered Min. Orthogonality Angle
2.        Vertex-Centered Expansion Factor
3.        Vertex-Centered Volume
The attached screen shot shows how V-C Volume looks in Examine. What's most important is the highlighted display of the control volume at the vertex being probed. As you can see, it is the dual of the actual mesh at that point.
1. V-C Min. Orthogonality Angle is the minimum angle between the control volume's edges and the interior integration surfaces (area-weighted at the vertex). A value of 0 deg. is bad, 90 deg. is good. (Integration surfaces are the interior faces of the dual.)
2. V-C Expansion Factor is the ratio of largest to smallest sector volume at the vertex. (Sectors are the interior component volumes of the dual.)
3. V-C Volume is the sum of the sector volumes around a vertex.

Unlike the structured grid example shown for V-C Volume, the control volumes around a vertex are much more complicated for unstructured grids as shown in the second screen shot of a simple tet mesh with V-C Expansion Factor being examined.

V18.3 R2 also includes three minor updates to the Examine command.
1.        The probe in Examine can now be disabled. In the VC-Volume screenshot see the checkbox for Show Interactive Probe in the Display frame in the panel. This is saved as a per-user preference so once unchecked it remains unchecked from session to session.
2.        There are new options in Examine's Filters for Point I, Point J, and Point K. They come in handy for V-C metrics because you can display all the mesh cells at a given point/vertex as shown in the attached image. When using the probe on a vertex, its index (for example, 3250) will be displayed in the lower right corner of the screen. Create a new Point I filter for that index (i.e. Point I = 3250) and you'll see what's shown in the image.
3.        Glyph's pw::Examine command has been extended so that you can retrieve all the metric functions for an entity with a single call (versus point by point).

pointwise 18.3R2 新功能介绍

pointwise 18.3R2 新功能介绍-1

pointwise 18.3R2 新功能介绍-2
v18.3 图片二.png

pointwise 18.3R2 新功能介绍-3
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