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木虫 (小有名气)

[交流] 文章仲裁后被拒后 还能拉出来拯救一下么已有12人参与

投了Carbohydrate Polymers杂志, under review后出现过一次under editorial evaluation后 再次切换成under review(应该仲裁去了), 然后under editorial evaluation, 最终文章被拒。看了一下审稿意见,前两个审稿人的意见基本上是小修,第三个审稿人应该是大修,对实验上提出了一些疑问(补实验)。想不通...
Thank you for submitting your manuscript to Carbohydrate Polymers.

Regretfully I must inform you that the paper is not acceptable for
publication. I have taken into account the reviewers' comments and
made an editorial decision not to accept the paper.
The authors are welcome to submit an improved manuscript fulfilling
Carbohydrate Polymers criteria, which include highlighting the main
scientific achievements for polysaccharides science, providing a
characterization of the component, embedding the figures in the text,
and improving the English used. In that case, the Reviewers comments
need to be all copied, pasted and all answered. The changes made
should be in red in the new manuscript for an easy access to them.
See the Guide For Authors.

Please find below the referees' comments on your paper.
Thank you for your interest in submitting to Carbohydrate Polymers.
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铁虫 (小有名气)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
10楼2019-11-21 11:09:52
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