24小时热门版块排行榜     石溪大学接受考研调剂申请>

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金虫 (著名写手)


[交流] 语言不过关,这种情况还能继续投这个期刊吗?已有6人参与

Ref.: Ms. No. JALCOM-D-19-xxxxx
Journal of Alloys and Compounds

Dear xxxxx,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript entitled "......................" for publication in the Journal of Alloys and Compounds. I have studied your work with care and have come to the conclusion that the level of English throughout the manuscript does not meet the standards of the journal. The level of English must be improved significantly, requiring major and thorough corrections, before it can be evaluated by reviewers for scientific integrity. Regretfully, I therefore cannot consider your manuscript for publication and it has been rejected.

Further manuscript guidelines can be found in the Guide for Authors, which is accessible from the journal homepage:
http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find ... authorinstructions.

I would like to thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider your work.

With best regards,

。。。。。。。。, Ph.D.,
Journal of Alloys and Compounds

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金虫 (著名写手)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖

6楼2019-11-09 08:16:21
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