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新虫 (正式写手)

[求助] 投稿第二天即悲剧, 编辑建议转投其他期刊,请虫友们帮忙看看!已有3人参与

昨天下午投的2D Materials,今天下午收到编辑来信被拒,建议转投,现在把原文贴在下面,希望大家给点建议,谢谢!!!
Thank you for your submission to 2D Materials.

To be publishable in this journal, articles should report cutting-edge research and make a highly significant advance in the field of 2D materials research showing clear relevance and motivation. 2D Materials can only consider the most important new results in this field. Submissions should be essential reading for their particular sub-field, or be of significant multidisciplinary interest to the wider community.

Unfortunately we do not think that the content of your Paper is appropriate for this journal. Your manuscript has therefore been withdrawn from consideration by this journal.

We believe that it is better suited for Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/jpcm-iop), which is also published by IOP Publishing.

Please can you confirm whether or not you are happy for us to transfer your article using the links below. Please note that if you click the ‘Approve transfer’ link, your article will be transferred immediately to Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter for further consideration. You should ensure that you have agreement from all authors before clicking this link. If you click the ‘Reject transfer’ link, your article will not be considered further.

Approve transfer - *** PLEASE NOTE: This is a two-step process. After clicking on the link, you will be directed to a webpage to confirm. ***

Reject transfer - *** PLEASE NOTE: This is a two-step process. After clicking on the link, you will be directed to a webpage to confirm. ***

If we do not hear from you within a week then we will assume that you do not wish to transfer your article and will withdraw it from consideration.
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禁虫 (小有名气)

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5楼2019-11-06 20:34:08
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2楼2019-11-06 20:16:29
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至尊木虫 (职业作家)


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3楼2019-11-06 20:23:20
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新虫 (正式写手)

4楼2019-11-06 20:25:12
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