24小时热门版块排行榜     石溪大学接受考研调剂申请>

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【悬赏金币】回答本帖问题,作者L冷ucifer将赠送您 9 个金币


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[求助] 论文已经被jcp录用,但是要我提交supplementary information,该怎么提交。已有2人参与

我的论文已经被jcp(journal of cleaner production)接受了。但是跟我说要提供补充材料。

Congratulations on having your article accepted.

We have now received your manuscript in production and would like to begin the typesetting process.

Unfortunately we have encountered a problem with the electronic files you provided and cannot process your article further until the following issues are resolved:

*  We have received supplementary information inside the manuscript doc (revised manuscript). Kindly provide the supplementary information in separate doc to proceed further.

We would be grateful if you could kindly address the problem as quickly as possible, ideally within 48 hours, by replying to this message.

We recently contacted you about the file problem(s) for the above-mentioned article, but we have not yet received a reply from you. We cannot process your article further until the following issues are resolved:

*  We have received supplementary information inside the manuscript doc (revised manuscript). Kindly provide the supplementary information in separate doc to proceed further.

We would be grateful if you could resolve this as quickly as possible, ideally within 48 hours.

If you have already supplied the (replacement) files, please inform us at your earliest convenience.


而且我进了投稿系统后,这个论文放到了“completed”的Submissions with a Decision 中了,我点进去没有提交补充文件的按钮啊!!!


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12楼2019-12-03 18:56:05
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