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新虫 (小有名气)

[交流] UMass Amherst–One Postdoc Position and one PhD RA position已有1人参与

Umass amherst平惊雷教授的nano/bio interface & application lab (nial;https://people.umass.edu/jingleiping/people.html) 现有一个博士后名额和一个博士研究生名额。研究方向为纳米电子学,微流体,和纳米╟细胞界面。感兴趣的同学请致电邮垂询(ping(at)engin.umass.edu)并附简历。

We are an energetic lab focusing on interdisciplinary research on development of biosensing devices and systems based on nanomaterials and translation of nanodevice structures into applications in point-of-care diagnostics, drug testing, healthcare, and environmental monitoring. Students and scholars with science or/and engineering background—mechanical engineering, biomedical engineering, electrical engineering, chemical engineering, materials science, physics, chemistry, etc.—whoever interested in development of novel nanomaterials, understanding their transducing properties, and building nano-enabled biosensors, are encouraged to get in touch. Contact information can be found through the following link: https://people.umass.edu/jingleiping/adv.html. Students from underrepresented groups are particularly encouraged.

UMass Amherst (https://www.umass.edu) as a Tier 1 research university ranks in the top 30 among more than 700 public universities and colleges in US, with particularly competitive educational programs and research resources in engineering and natural sciences. The campus, locating in the scenery Pioneer Valley, is also known for its top 1 campus food throughout the country. The Institute for Applied Life Sciences (IALS), which houses Prof. Ping’s lab, features state-of-the-art facilities and strong support for both research and industrialization.
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金虫 (小有名气)


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2楼2019-10-18 10:42:00
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