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铜虫 (著名写手)

[交流] Happy teacher's day!

Tomorrow is teachers' day. It feels like time flies. Many years passed.
In the evening, I went home, sat down and gave my holiday wishes to the teachers I could contact.
Think of my days in school, teachers' teaching, especially I do experiments with teachers late into the night, talk about their own things,... These scenes are still fresh in my mind. In addition, when I encountered some unpleasant things in school, the teacher would give me relief and help.
Although we are far away from the mountains and rivers, this is a gesture of mine.
There will be teachers not only in school, but also in work and life.
I remember that I also met several respectable and trustworthy teachers in my work. They not only taught me how to work, but also taught me an attitude towards life.
Long way of life, Thanksgiving all!

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新虫 (小有名气)


5楼2019-09-17 21:14:13
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