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新虫 (正式写手)

[求助] 投稿XRD的问题已有6人参与

编辑意见:In section 3.1, the authors stated that according to the Cards of PDF in MDI Jade 5.0, the lattice constants of Al3Er and Al3Yb intermetallics are respectively 4.212 Å and 4.202 Å. Based on the above expression, it seems that the author did not refine their own XRD results, but citing the lattice constant values from the standard PDF Cards. However, in Table 1, the authors referred these values as their own experimental data, which is not the appropriate. I recommend the authors refine their own XRD results to obtain the corresponding lattice constants.
本人文章:Fig. 1 shows XRD patterns of the Al-10 wt.% Er and Al-10 wt.% Yb alloys. As shown in Fig. 1, there are two kinds of peaks in the XRD patterns of the Al-10 wt.% Er/Yb alloys, one is the peak of matrix Al and the other is for Al3Er/Yb intermetallic. According to the Cards of PDF in MDI Jade 5.0, the lattice constants of Al3Er and Al3Yb intermetallics are respectively 4.212 Å and 4.202 Å.
本人问题: I recommend the authors refine their own XRD results to obtain the corresponding lattice constants.我理解的意思是编辑让我改善XRD结果,有点蒙,怎么改善?是让我通过XRD的结果自己计算晶格常数么?请各位虫友帮帮忙,小弟在此谢过了。
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铜虫 (著名写手)


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10楼2019-07-13 20:33:03
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