24小时热门版块排行榜     石溪大学接受考研调剂申请>

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[求助] applied surface science投稿语言问题被拒已有4人参与


Thank you for your submission to Applied Surface Science. Unfortunately, we are unable to proceed with peer review of your manuscript. The grammar/English is not in adequate shape for peer review. If you wish for us to consider it as a new submission you will need to hire a professional language service to assist you. Please also avoid errors such as arbitrarily capitalizing words mid sentence (e.g., "Dimensional", capitalizing chemical and elements mid-sentence (e.g., "Titanium" and using acronyms and abbreviations that have not bee defined (as you have done in the abstract). In its present condition, it would be unfairly burdensome for reviewers.

If you decide to hire a third party language service and resubmit, you may wish to list me as the suggested editor, since I am now familiar with your manuscript. If you do this, please provide proof of professional language service assistance.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider your work.
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2楼2019-07-03 23:04:46
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