24小时热门版块排行榜     石溪大学接受考研调剂申请>

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铁虫 (初入文坛)

[交流] 美国排名第一的梅奥医院(Mayo Clinic)招Neurodegeneration方向博士后已有1人参与

Two postdoc positions will be available in the Zhang lab at Mayo Clinic Florida ( www.kezhanglab.net ) in October 2019.

Dr. Ke Zhang's goal is to train and support motivated junior postdocs to become independent researchers in the field of biomedicine. Selected candidates will start in or after October 2019. Please email your applications to kz.2001@gmail.com.

Candidates should receive a Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent degree before their starting dates. Candidates who have or wish to learn skills in the following areas will be highly valued:
* Cell biology, including human iPS technology
* Genetics
* Biochemistry and molecular biology
* Neuroscience

Your application should include
* A detailed CV
* A cover letter explaining your career goals and past and future research interests
* Names of at least three referees

Please check out the Zhang lab website, www.kezhanglab.net, for details.

1. Salaries and benefits comply with NIH and Mayo standards.
2. Mayo will sponsor visas for international postdocs.
3. This ad has been posted on Science Careers: https://jobs.sciencecareers.org/ ... stdoc-positions-on-

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铁虫 (初入文坛)

Mayo Clinic为美国排名第一的医院
2楼2019-05-29 18:44:50
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铁虫 (初入文坛)

3楼2019-06-07 23:49:24
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新虫 (正式写手)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖

4楼2019-09-26 16:26:40
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