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新虫 (初入文坛)

I look forward to receiving your revised manuscript.

Yours sincerely,

Prof.J. Yan, PhD
Applied Energy

Note: After the paper is accepted to production, we do not allow any authorship changes in your article since the editor would like to approve any changes to the authorship before acceptance of papers in EES.

Reviewers' and Editors' comments:

Comments by editors were not addressed

Editors: ? ?

In addition to the comments from the above reviewers, please also pay attention to some of the following aspects while improving the quality of your manuscript:

- ? ? The relevance to Applied Energy should be enhanced with the considerations of scope and readership of the Journal. ?

- ? ? A proof reading by a native English speaker should be conducted to improve both language and organization quality. ?

Please avoid using abbreviations in the TITLE, HIGHLIGHTS, ABSTRACT and CONCLUSION if possible.

Please also avoid "lump sum references", such as XXXXX [1-5]; all references should be cited with detailed and specific description. ?In the references, all authors should be included, avoiding using "et. al.";

Please use 'Highlights' in the file name and include 3 to 5 bullet points (maximum 85 characters, including spaces, per bullet point).

TITLE: It normally consists of about 12-15 keywords which shall not be too general or too narrow.

ABSTRACT: It should be about 150-250 words with concise text in a single paragraph. Answer the questions: What problem did you study and why is it important? What methods did you use? What were your main results? And what conclusions can you draw from your results? Please make your abstract with more specific and quantitative results while it suits broader audiences. Abstract stands alone, no references, figures, tables or equations are cited.

CAPTIONS: Captions for figures and tables should be presented with more specific description rather than a general sentence like "Results of the experiments ...", "A studied system ...."

- ? ? The originality of the paper needs to be further clarified. It is of importance to have sufficient results to justify the novelty of a high quality journal paper.

- ? ? An updated and complete literature review should be conducted to present the state-of-the-art and knowledge gaps of the research with strong relevance to the topic of the paper.

- ? ? The results should be further elaborated to show how they could be used for the real applications. Modeling results should be validated by experiments.


NOTE: Upon submitting your revised manuscript, please upload the source files for your article. For additional details regarding acceptable file formats, please refer to the Guide for Authors at: http://www.elsevier.com/journals/applied-energy/0306-2619/guide-for-authors

When submitting your revised paper, we ask that you include the following items:

Manuscript and Figure Source Files (mandatory)

We cannot accommodate PDF manuscript files for production purposes. We also ask that when submitting your revision you follow the journal formatting guidelines. ?Figures and tables may be embedded within the source file for the submission as long as they are of sufficient resolution for Production.For any figure that cannot be embedded within the source file (such as *.PSD Photoshop files), the original figure needs to be uploaded separately. Refer to the Guide for Authors for additional information.

Highlights (mandatory)

Highlights consist of a short collection of bullet points that convey the core findings of the article and should be submitted in a separate file in the online submission system. Please use 'Highlights' in the file name and include 3 to 5 bullet points (maximum 85 characters, including spaces, per bullet point). See the following website for more information

Graphical Abstract (optional)

Graphical Abstracts should summarize the contents of the article in a concise, pictorial form designed to capture the attention of a wide readership online. Refer to the following website for more information: http://www.elsevier.com/graphicalabstracts

Please note that the editorial process varies considerably from journal to journal. To view a sample editorial process, please click here:

For further assistance, please visit our customer support site at http://help.elsevier.com/app/answers/list/p/7923. Here you can search for solutions on a range of topics, find answers to frequently asked questions and learn more about EES via interactive tutorials. You will also find our 24/7 support contact details should you need any further assistance from one of our customer support representatives.  这是编辑的view letter

11楼2019-04-18 07:52:09
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新虫 (正式写手)

12楼2019-04-18 19:46:59
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新虫 (小有名气)

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
autopior: 金币+5 2019-04-21 10:25:14
我也是投的Applied Energy, 去年R2被拒经申诉主编同意重投 3.25 under review,3.30 under editor evaluation至今,
13楼2019-04-19 11:54:06
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14楼2019-04-19 12:46:37
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autopior: 金币+1 2019-04-21 10:24:53
15楼2019-04-19 13:14:15
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至尊木虫 (职业作家)

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
autopior: 金币+5 2019-04-21 10:24:44
16楼2019-04-19 14:14:04
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★ ★
autopior: 金币+2 2019-04-21 10:24:34
17楼2019-04-19 15:26:01
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18楼2019-04-19 15:57:12
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金虫 (著名写手)

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
autopior: 金币+5 2019-04-21 10:24:21

19楼2019-04-19 22:06:00
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铁杆木虫 (正式写手)

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
autopior: 金币+5 2019-04-21 10:24:09
20楼2019-04-21 09:29:19
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