24小时热门版块排行榜     石溪大学接受考研调剂申请>

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[交流] [招生CS/ECE]19F Multiple PhD,Artificial intelligence/smart health big data,IUPUI

The Ubiquitous Embedded Intelligence Lab (https://ubiei.org/) has openings for PhD students, on the joint campus of Indiana University and Purdue University in Indianapolis.  (Purdue Degree will be awarded)

Our lab focuses on the cutting-edge smart health area, empowered by artificial intelligence, big data and wearable sensors. Detailed topics include but are not limited to: machine learning, deep learning, big data mining, physiological signal processing, embedded system design, wearable sensing, mobile health, etc.  

Dr. Zhang, the lead of the lab, has worked in IT industry, medical area (Harvard medical school) and academia. Publications can be found: https://ubiei.org/publications/

We are very interested in the exciting smart health area. Nowadays, both giant companies (Apple, Goo gle, Samsung, etc.) and numerous startups are in the smart health area. We are looking for students with great enthusiasm in studying this hottest area, communicating with experts in international conferences and companies, and exploring so many exciting ideas.

The Ph.D. position will be fully funded by RA scholarship, covering monthly salary, medical insurance and tuition.

Students from CS, ECE or related areas are welcome to contact Dr. Zhang. python/matlab skill is expected.  Welcome to send your CV, transcripts, to qxzhang@iu.edu.
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