24小时热门版块排行榜     石溪大学接受考研调剂申请>

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新虫 (小有名气)

[资源] 新加坡国立大学博士后招聘

Positions are available for Post-doctoral Fellows (or Research Fellows) in the laboratory of Dr. Siow Ling, Soh at the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, National University of Singapore (NUS). Applications for Research Assistants are also welcome.
The general theme of the laboratory involves creating “intelligence” in materials. This research involves building different types of “smart” functions, including analytical functions (e.g., logic gates), regulatory functions (e.g., self-amplification), and practical functions (e.g., communications and motion). The methods for achieving these functions involve using advanced types of materials (e.g., stimuli-responsive polymers), different fabrication techniques (e.g., emulsions), different components (e.g., coatings or particles), and unique designs. The designs may include interesting reactions and transport of molecules. A wide range of applications are possible from this research; a few examples include advanced drug delivery carriers, soft machines, and energy generation. The research in the laboratory is highly interdisciplinary, and ranges from fundamental to commercializable applications. For example, another project involves the fabrication of functional polymers for anti-static purposes for our industrial partners.
The ideal candidates should have a Ph.D. degree and are preferably material scientists, chemists, or researchers in a related field. A background in polymers or soft materials (e.g., hydrogels and micelles) is desirable. Candidates from other fields are also encouraged to apply due to the interdisciplinary nature of the laboratory (e.g., charge separation and electrochemistry). Candidates must have good hands-on skills in experimental work, are independent in research, and have good problem-solving skills.
For more information on the background of the research, please refer to the website:
If interested, please contact Dr. Soh at the following email address:

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  • 附件 1 : 2019_04_01.pdf
  • 2019-04-01 21:51:45, 107.13 K

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