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新虫 (初入文坛)

[交流] 重磅!在读及已毕业博士生今年起均可申请西悉尼大学奖学金 (3月25日至6月30日)已有1人参与

Instructions can be found from:
https://www.westernsydney.edu.au ... _round_scholarships

The successful applicant should:

* hold qualifications and experience equal to one of the following (i) Doctor of Philosophy / Equivalent doctorate degree; (ii) Master of Philosophy / Masters (Honours); (iii) Masters by Research; and (iv) Australian Bachelor (Honours) degree in Engineering (H2A or H1).

* have demonstrated excellent academic performance (including journal publications).

* meet English language proficiency.

Please contact Prof. Zhong Tao (z.tao@westernsydney.edu.au) to discuss your eligibility, research topics and your intention to apply.
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新虫 (初入文坛)

Prof Zhong Tao is now recruiting PhD students to work in the following areas:

Bendable concrete; high-performance concrete; lightweight geopolymer concrete; PCM material for building energy conservation; solar tiles and pavement
Composite beams; composite columns; structural fire engineering; advanced analysis; prefabricated construction.
2楼2019-03-25 11:12:28
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新虫 (初入文坛)

Prof. Zhong Tao has a research background in the areas of construction materials, steel-concrete composite structures and structural fire engineering. He has in excess of 300 publications with a Scopus h-index of 33 and a G00gle Scholar h-index of 36. Over 92% of his international journal papers were published in journals with SJR of Q1. He has been successful in attracting competitive research grants, including 7 ARC grants and 2 NSFC grants. He has supervised or co-supervised 24 PhD students to completion.  Since 2006, Professor Tao has been invited 9 times to deliver keynote lecturers on various international conferences. He is a Editorial Board member of Thin-Walled Structures, and Steel and Composite Structures. More information about Prof. Tao can be found from his university profile (https://www.westernsydney.edu.au ... ofessor_zhong_tao).
3楼2019-03-25 11:14:09
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新虫 (小有名气)

群号: 214023992
澳洲8大全奖理工博士,欢迎入群交流留学申请。qq群: 澳洲硕博申请群英谱;群号: 214023992
4楼2019-03-27 09:44:16
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新虫 (初入文坛)

4楼: Originally posted by zulongshi at 2019-03-27 09:44:16
群号: 214023992

5楼2019-04-07 19:23:33
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