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[交流] 美国堪萨斯州立大学招 化工专业 全奖博士生 $30000/year 及访问学者

美国堪萨斯州立大学Chuancheng Duan 课题组招 化工专业 全奖博士生 $30000/year  欢迎大家交流访问。

His research focuses on advanced materials for energy conversion and storage, membrane reactors, electrochemical reactors, electrosynthesis, catalysis, intermediate-temperature ceramic fuel cells, electrolyzers, and sustainable manufacturing. He is the lead author of articles published in Science,  Nature, and Nature Energy. He was honored with 2017 Ross Coffin Purdy Award for the most valuable contribution to ceramic technical literature published in 2015 and Rath Research Award for the PhD dissertation that demonstrate the greatest potential for societal impact.
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新虫 (小有名气)

2楼2019-03-12 15:03:55
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