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捐助贵宾 (著名写手)

[求助] 一段汉译英,请大神把把关。

英文:In this paper, five kinds of biomass, bamboo powder, willow wood, pine wood, orange peel powder and buckwheat shell, were selected as raw materials on the basis of summarizing the relevant literatures at home and abroad. Ten kinds of high performance biological adsorbents (MBP,XBP,OA-PPP,CA-PPP,TA-PPP,Cu-S PPP-SH,WSBC/Fe3O4,PSBC/Fe3O4,CH3OH-OP-char/Fe3O4 and NH4Cl-BHP-char/Fe3O4) were prepared by different treatment techniques and methods. The static adsorption experiments of Cu,Ni,Pb,Cr,Zn,DAP,IBP,SMX and TC in aqueous solution were carried out. The adsorbent was characterized by FTIR,SEM,BET,EI,LPSA,TG/DTG,VSM and other methods. The effects of solution pH, adsorption time, initial concentration and temperature of the adsorbed substance on the adsorption effect were investigated. The adsorption kinetics and isotherm model were established, the thermodynamic model was calculated and the adsorption mechanism was discussed. The adsorbent was used to adsorb the industrial wastewater and its analytical recycling was studied. Finally, the production cost of the adsorbent was estimated simply.

硫化改性竹粉吸附剂:Vulcanized modified bamboo powder adsorbent
有机羧酸改性竹粉吸附剂:Organic carboxylic acid modified bamboo powder adsorbent
竹粉负载Cu-S纳米球吸附剂:Bamboo powder loaded Cu-S nanospheres adsorbent
磁性超细木基生物炭吸附剂:Magnetic ultrafine wood based biochar adsorbent
甲醇改性磁性超细橘皮粉生物炭吸附剂:Methanol modified magnetic ultrafine orange peel powder biochar adsorbent
氯化铵活化磁性超细荞麦皮生物炭吸附剂:Ammonium chloride activated magnetic ultrafine buckwheat shell biochar adsorbent
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铜虫 (著名写手)


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NY_sky: 金币+200, 翻译EPI+1, ★★★★★最佳答案 2019-02-13 10:17:20
英文:In this paper, five kinds of biomass, bamboo powder, willow wood, pine wood, orange peel powder and buckwheat shell, were selected as raw materials on the basis of summarizing the relevant literatures at home and abroad. Ten kinds of high performance biological adsorbents (MBP,XBP,OA-PPP,CA-PPP,TA-PPP,Cu-S PPP-SH,WSBC/Fe3O4,PSBC/Fe3O4,CH3OH-OP-char/Fe3O4 and NH4Cl-BHP-char/Fe3O4) were prepared by different treatment techniques and methods. The static adsorption experiments of Cu,Ni,Pb,Cr,Zn,DAP,IBP,SMX and TC in aqueous solution were carried out. The adsorbent was characterized by FTIR,SEM,BET,EI,LPSA,TG/DTG,VSM and other methods. The effects of solution pH, adsorption time, initial concentration and temperature of the adsorbed substance on the adsorption effect were investigated. The adsorption kinetics and isotherm model were established, the thermodynamic model was calculated and the adsorption mechanism was discussed. The adsorbent was used to adsorb the industrial wastewater and its analytical recycling was studied. Finally, the production cost of the adsorbent was estimated simply.

英文:Ten  high performance biological adsorbents (MBP,XBP,OA-PPP,CA-PPP,TA-PPP,Cu-S PPP-SH,WSBC/Fe3O4,PSBC/Fe3O4,CH3OH-OP-char/Fe3O4 and NH4Cl-BHP-char/Fe3O4) were prepared in this study with five kinds of biomass, bamboo powder, willow wood, pine wood, orange peel powder and buckwheat shell as raw materials and applied in static adsorption experiments of Cu,Ni,Pb,Cr,Zn,DAP,IBP,SMX and TC in aqueous solution. The adsorbents were characterized by FTIR,SEM,BET,EI,LPSA,TG/DTG,VSM. This paper investigated the effects of solution pH, adsorption time, initial concentration and temperature of the adsorbed substance (on the adsorption), established the adsorption kinetics and isotherm model, calculated the thermodynamic model, discussed the adsorption mechanism, the analytical recycling and the production cost of the adsorbents.
2楼2019-02-12 14:51:00
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