24小时热门版块排行榜     石溪大学接受考研调剂申请>

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[交流] 苏州大学Mark H. Rümmeli 教授课题组招收博士后,讲师及副教授


苏州大学Mark H. Rümmeli 教授课题组招收博士后,讲师及副教授

苏州大学物理与光电能源学部Mark H. Rümmeli 教授课题组诚聘博士,博士后和讲师,副教授。
课题组介绍/Instruction of Group

        We are in the process of establishing an international group. We are looking for young, dedicated and dynamic scientists to join our international group. We work with exciting and new nano-materials. We seek to understand how these materials form (grow) and how their structure relates to their properties. We also endeavor to understand how we can best use these materials in future energy solutions. This includes their potential in batteries and super capacitors. Our multidisciplinary work is cutting edge, exciting and fun.

       Mark H. Rümmeli 教授1997年获得伦敦城市大学(London Metropolitan University)博士学位;1999-2001年在德国航天航空局(DLR)太空探测技术与行星探测研究所任研究员,参与完成德国航天航空局(DLR)与美国航天航空局(NASA) “平流层红外天文观测” 的联合项目;2002年至今,在德国莱布尼茨固体和材料研究所(IFW-Dresden)任教授,成立了分子纳米结构课题组并担任组长;2013-2015年,在韩国成均馆大学任教授,在韩国基础科学研究所创立了结构分析课题组并任组长;2014年至今,在波兰科学院任教授、纳米传感器方向领头人;2014年至今,在武汉大学任客座教授;2015年10月,加入苏州大学物理与光电•能源学部,主要从事利用透射电子显微镜探索新型纳米材料及其结构相关方面的研究工作。现已在国际权威学术期刊如Science, Nature Nanotech, Nature Comm, ACS Nano, Nano Lett, Adv. Mater.等杂志上发表论文250多篇。

        Following the completion of his PhD at London Metropolitan University, Professor Mark H Rümmeli spent several years working in the United States and the West Indies developing e-learning platforms for HealthCare education. Subsequent to this he joined the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) a joint research collaboration between the German Space Agency (DLR) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA). He then joined the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Science, in Germany, where he was responsible for founding the Molecular Nanostructures Group which he still oversees at present. He then worked in the Republic of South Korea as a professor in the Department of Energy Science at Sungkyunkwan University. While in the aforementioned role, he was concurrently appointed as the founder of the Structural Analysis Group within the Korean Institute of Basic Science.  He currently works as a professor at the College of Physics, Optoelectronics and Energy, at Soochow University, in China where he is in the process of establishing a research group which will utilize state of the art transmission electron microscopy for the investigation of novel nano-materials and their structures. He is appointed as a guest-professor at Wuhan University. Professor Mark H Rümmeli as well heads a nano-sensor laboratory at the Polish Academy of Sciences. He collaborates globally with many outstanding research universities and institutes such as: Peking University, the University of Oxford, NASA Ames Research Laboratories, Wuhan University, Cornell University, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT) among others. To date, Professor Mark H. Rümmeli has published over 250 scientific papers with many appearing in leading journals such as Science and Nature Nanotechnology.

一、研究方向/Main Research Areas

1. In-situ Transmission Electron Microscopy of Nano and Energy Materials
2. Understanding the growth mechanisms of nano and energy materials
3. Structure-property relationships of nano and energy materials
4. The use of nano and energy materials in devices

二、报读条件/Requirements for Recruitment

1. 博士研究生/PhD positions
If you are interested studying for a PhD and want to work with nanotechnology and future energy systems, we encourage you to apply. You should have a good command of English, have a publication record, enjoy laboratory work with state of the art instruments and have excellent time management skills.
2. 博士后或讲师/Post Docs/Lecture
If you have recently obtained your PhD in nanomaterials, ion insertion batteries and/or in transmission electron microscopy we encourage you to apply. You should have a good command of English, have a good publication record, enjoy laboratory work with state of the art instruments and have excellent time management skills.


1. 除国家及学校提供的奖学金、助学金外,课题组还提供额外的科研津贴。
In addition to the national and school scholarships, grants, the group also provides an additional supplement to the basic salary
2. 本课题组与德国莱布尼茨固体和材料研究所、波兰科学院、韩国成均馆大学等研究小组已建立长期的合作交流,优秀研究生将可前往国际知名高校进行合作研究。
The group with IFW Dresden, Polish Academy of Science and other research groups have established long-term cooperation and exchanges. Outstanding students will be expected to work with and visit well-known international insitutes and universities.
3. 对于博士后科研人员及讲师,享受苏州大学统一的专职科研人员或博士后和讲师工资待遇。此外,课题组将根据研究成果增加相应补贴。
Post-doctoral researchers enjoy a full-time or post-doctoral research staff wage from Soochow University. In addition, the group will increase the corresponding subsidy according to research performance.

四、报考方式/How to apply

1.   个人简历,包括学习与工作经历(包括班级排名)、研究背景、发表论文和获奖情况等详细材料(个人简历请用英文准备) ;邮件主题“CVs—PhD (or Post Docs)—XXXX University(XXX大学)—San Zhang(张三)”, 发送至Mark教授的邮箱:mhr1@suda.edu.cn和杨老师邮箱xqyang1@suda.edu.cn


[ 来自版块群 江苏 ]

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2楼2019-01-22 17:10:46
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铁杆木虫 (著名写手)

3楼2019-01-23 15:56:44
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捐助贵宾 (小有名气)

3楼: Originally posted by wangttt321 at 2019-01-23 15:56:44


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