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金虫 (小有名气)

[求助] 论文接收状态变为了Complete Final File Updates,而又没有可上传部分,该如何处理?

小弟不才,论文最近被internation jouranl of applied ceramic technology期刊接收,编辑回复状诚是accepted, complete final file updates,但是无操作项,哪位大神遇到过这种情况,该如何处理,望指教,不胜感激。编辑具体回复如下:
1. if your manuscript is not in the final format for publication, you must complete that task at this time. please refer to the author instructions for submission format after acceptance found at https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/ ... ge/forauthors.html. you will receive an e-mail from the journal administrator for "first look" informing you of any formatting changes still needed.

2. after you submit the final files, your submission is forwarded to wiley for production.  you will receive page proofs of your article within two weeks.  your immediate review and approval of these page proofs is appreciated.  if you are not able to review these proofs, please work with a co-author to complete this task in a timely fashion.

3. when your article has been received by wiley for production, the corresponding author will receive an email from wiley’s author services system which will ask them to log in and will present them with the appropriate license (copyright transfer) for completion. your article cannot be published until the publisher has received the appropriate signed license agreement. please do not send copyright forms directly to the editor.

[ Last edited by yanglei7890 on 2019-1-16 at 14:52 ]
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金虫 (正式写手)

2楼2021-12-03 08:22:21
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