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[交流] 罗彻斯特理工大学图像科学中心计算机视觉博士和访问学者学生招生

美国罗彻斯特理工大学 (Rochester Institute of Technology) 图像科学中心 (https://www.cis.rit.edu/) 现有1-2名博士生名额,于2019年秋季入学。主要研究方向为计算机视觉。欢迎有计算机视觉/图像处理/机器人/自动驾驶/机器学习等相关领域背景及较强编程能力的学生报名申请。同时也长期欢迎国家留学基金委资助的博士生, 联合培养博士生罗彻斯特理工大学图像科学中心计算机视觉博士和访问学者学生招生

美国罗彻斯特理工大学 (Rochester Institute of Technology) 图像科学中心 (https://www.cis.rit.edu/) 现有1-2名博士生名额,于2019年秋季入学。主要研究方向为计算机视觉。欢迎有计算机视觉/图像处理/机器人/自动驾驶/机器学习等相关领域背景及较强编程能力的学生报名申请。同时也长期欢迎国家留学基金委资助的博士生, 联合培养博士生,访问学者。

RIT位于美国纽约州罗彻斯特市,是一所著名私立型理工学院,拥有近200年的建校史。在美国国内排名 (依据美国最权威 US News 2018)为全美第97名,工程科技领域排名第61名, 最具价值大学第41名。RIT的图像科学中心建立了RIT第一个和当前最大的PhD项目。同时是美国的第一个图像科学系和第一个和仅有的两个之一可以授予图像科学博士学位的院系(另一个为University of Washington St Louis)。当前与 John Hopkins University Center for Imaing Science, University of Washington St Louis Imaging Science Program, Vanderbilt University Institute for Imaging Science 并列为美国仅有的Imaging Science 专门研究机构。在RIT图像科学中心,学生将接受包括计算机视觉,遥感,图像处理,医疗图像,机器学习,人类视觉,光学等各个相关领域的训练。

Prof. Guoyu Lu主要研究计算机视觉和深度学习,尤其是3D视觉和机器视觉领域以及其在自动驾驶和增强现实领域的应用。同时与图像科学中心其他教授合作将计算机视觉和深度学习开拓到遥感,人类视觉等领域。

如有兴趣,请发送简历至Prof Guoyu Lu (luguoyu@cis.rit.edu),申请截止日期为1月15日.

PhD and Visiting Scholar/Student position in Computer Vision at RIT Center for Imaging Science

The Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) (https://www.cis.rit.edu/) has 1-2 PhD position available starting from 2019 Fall. The PhD position is mainly on computer vision. Students with background in one or more areas around computer vision/deep learning/robotics/autonomous driving/image processing and strong programming skills are welcome to apply. Meanwhile, the lab also welcomes PhD applicants and visiting scholars and students supported by CSC in long term.

RIT is located in Rochester of New York State. It is a well-known private university with almost 200 years history. Based on the most authoritative US News ranking in 2018, RIT is ranked 97th among all the US national universities, 61st in best engineering programs and 41st in best value schools. The Center for Imaging Science at RIT has the first and currently the largest and best-funded PhD program in RIT. Meanwhile, the RIT Center for Imaging Science established the first and one of the only two PhD programs in imaging science in USA (the other one is University of Washington St Louis). Currently, the RIT Center for Imaging Science, together with the John Hopkins University Center for Imaging Science, University of Washington St Louis Imaging Science Program, Vanderbilt University Institute for Imaging Science, are the only research institutions in Imaging Science in USA. In RIT Center for Imaging Science, students will receive training from all areas related to images (computer vision,  remote sensing, image processing, machine/deep learning, human vision, optics, etc).

Prof. Guoyu Lu's research topics are mainly in computer vision and deep learning, particularly on 3D vision and robot vision areas with their applications on autonomous driving and augmented reality. Meanwhile, collaborating with other professors in the center, his group is exploring the applications of computer vision and deep learning in remote sensing, human vision, and other domains.

For students interested in the position, please send a resume to Prof. Guoyu Lu (luguoyu@cis.rit.edu).,访问学者。

RIT位于美国纽约州罗彻斯特市,是一所著名私立型理工学院,拥有近200年的建校史。在美国国内排名 (依据美国最权威 US News 2018)为全美第97名,工程科技领域排名第61名, 最具价值大学第41名。RIT的图像科学中心建立了RIT第一个和当前最大的PhD项目。同时是美国的第一个图像科学系和第一个和仅有的两个之一可以授予图像科学博士学位的院系(另一个为University of Washington St Louis)。当前与 John Hopkins University Center for Imaing Science, University of Washington St Louis Imaging Science Program, Vanderbilt University Institute for Imaging Science 并列为美国仅有的Imaging Science 专门研究机构。在RIT图像科学中心,学生将接受包括计算机视觉,遥感,图像处理,医疗图像,机器学习,人类视觉,光学等各个相关领域的训练。

Prof. Guoyu Lu主要研究计算机视觉和深度学习,尤其是3D视觉和机器视觉领域以及其在自动驾驶和增强现实领域的应用。同时与图像科学中心其他教授合作将计算机视觉和深度学习开拓到遥感,人类视觉等领域。

如有兴趣,请发送简历至Prof Guoyu Lu (luguoyu@cis.rit.edu),申请截止日期为1月15日.

PhD and Visiting Scholar/Student position in Computer Vision at RIT Center for Imaging Science

The Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) (https://www.cis.rit.edu/) has 1-2 PhD position available starting from 2019 Fall. The PhD position is mainly on computer vision. Students with background in one or more areas around computer vision/deep learning/robotics/autonomous driving/image processing and strong programming skills are welcome to apply. Meanwhile, the lab also welcomes PhD applicants and visiting scholars and students supported by CSC in long term.

RIT is located in Rochester of New York State. It is a well-known private university with almost 200 years history. Based on the most authoritative US News ranking in 2018, RIT is ranked 97th among all the US national universities, 61st in best engineering programs and 41st in best value schools. The Center for Imaging Science at RIT has the first and currently the largest and best-funded PhD program in RIT. Meanwhile, the RIT Center for Imaging Science established the first and one of the only two PhD programs in imaging science in USA (the other one is University of Washington St Louis). Currently, the RIT Center for Imaging Science, together with the John Hopkins University Center for Imaging Science, University of Washington St Louis Imaging Science Program, Vanderbilt University Institute for Imaging Science, are the only research institutions in Imaging Science in USA. In RIT Center for Imaging Science, students will receive training from all areas related to images (computer vision,  remote sensing, image processing, machine/deep learning, human vision, optics, etc).

Prof. Guoyu Lu's research topics are mainly in computer vision and deep learning, particularly on 3D vision and robot vision areas with their applications on autonomous driving and augmented reality. Meanwhile, collaborating with other professors in the center, his group is exploring the applications of computer vision and deep learning in remote sensing, human vision, and other domains.

For students interested in the position, please send a resume to Prof. Guoyu Lu (luguoyu@cis.rit.edu).
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新虫 (正式写手)

2楼2019-01-03 10:09:27
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[ 发自手机版 http://muchong.com/3g ]
3楼2019-01-03 11:18:28
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新虫 (初入文坛)

有国内硕士学位的 学制几年?

4楼2019-01-03 11:44:46
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新虫 (正式写手)

方向很匹配 就是差语言啊

5楼2019-01-03 14:30:34
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新虫 (初入文坛)

2楼: Originally posted by 阿宝CUMT at 2019-01-03 10:09:27


6楼2019-01-04 10:34:10
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新虫 (初入文坛)

3楼: Originally posted by wenhui_liu at 2019-01-03 11:18:28


7楼2019-01-04 10:34:46
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新虫 (小有名气)

已发送邮件 不知道老师什么时候回复

8楼2019-01-04 10:36:55
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新虫 (初入文坛)

4楼: Originally posted by Ryan_Lai95 at 2019-01-03 11:44:46
有国内硕士学位的 学制几年?


9楼2019-01-04 10:38:32
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新虫 (初入文坛)

5楼: Originally posted by JngW at 2019-01-03 14:30:34
方向很匹配 就是差语言啊


10楼2019-01-04 10:51:18
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