24小时热门版块排行榜     石溪大学接受考研调剂申请>

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[交流] 招收CSC博士,申请12月底截至,非常好的机会



巴黎十一大,Institut Galien Paris-Sud研究所,Angelina Angelova老师(Email:angelina.angelova@u-psud.fr)。Angelina为人非常亲和,和学生更像是朋友关系。不会的实验和不会操作的仪器,她都会亲自指导,超级有耐心。目前她只有一位博士生,会得到很多指导,通常和老师每周讨论,讨论时间根据课题进展,可能半小时,也可能两三个小时,不过不需要担心,有不懂的老师都会耐心给你解答,包括很简单的问题!只要英语能交流就可以了,不会法语没关系,不过会点法语对在法国生活会有帮助,学校有法语课,想学习法语的话机会很多,一般外国人都会上法语课。



课题名称:Confinement, ordering and crystallization of biomimetic peptides in cubic mesophases

课题网站:http://www.adum.fr/as/ed/voirpro ... _prop=22770#version

Keywords:physical chemistry , protein structure, lipid membrane , peptide, X-ray diffraction, crystallogenesis

Profile and skills required

Master level from a recognized university in China. Knowledge and skills in protein and peptide structure determination, structural biology, X-ray diffraction experiments, small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments, lipid membranes, self-assembled lipid phases

Project description

Structure-based drug design and development relies on the knowledge of atomic resolution 3D protein structures and the relationship between protein structure, activity and dynamics. X-ray crystallography, which is presently the most robust method for solving protein structures, relies on the growth of high quality crystals. Biomimetic peptides need to be studied in the cases when the full length proteins cannot be crystallized. 
The purpose of the doctoral project is to use self-assembled lipid and polymer-lipid cubic phase assemblies as host media for confinement of peptide molecules and the induction of their crystallization for X-ray structure determination. Lipid cubic phases (LCP) are bicontinuous liquid crystals (mesophases), which comprise a biomimetic tool for protein confinement, ordering and crystallization. The cubic and sponge mesophases are composed of continuous curved bilayers, which form a matrix that favors the arrangement of the embedded proteins. The entrapped peptide or protein molecules have a freedom to migrate from the bulk lipid mesophase reservoir to the faces of the nucleated crystal seeds through the way of guiding conduits. 

The PhD project will focus on the factors contributing to the successful crystallization of peptide sequences in the host lipid cubic lattice media (e.g. liquid crystalline organization of the lipid bilayers, size of the nanochannel compartments, presence of crystallophores, type of precipitants, temperature, etc). The purpose will be to obtain crystals of therapeutically relevant molecules in order to determine their X-ray crystal structures as a function of the properties of the host cubic phase matrix. Particular attention will be given to the structural organization of newly designed transmembrane peptides linked to targeting in neurodegeneration. 

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