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[求助] 审稿人关于XPS确定Mn元素不同化学态的问题,求助!已有1人参与


Q1: Given the relationship between the relative amounts of Mn3+ to Mn4+ cations on B-site and the electrical conduction, XPS analysis was performed to determine the valence state variation of cations and to quantify the Mn3+/Mn4+ ratio. However, although it is known that the chemical state identification in manganese by XPS is difficult due to the presence of a complex multiplet splitting [A-D], this has not been taken into consideration in the deconvolution of the XPS spectra for Mn 2p3/2. This disregard has affected the evaluation of the Mn3+/Mn4+ ratios for the different samples.

Q2: The weak point of the paper is the part concerning the determination of relative abundances of different Mn ions using the Mn2p3/2 peak profile fitting. Surprisingly, the widths of their Mni+2p3/2 decomposition components grow with the oxidation state i, see Fig. 3. In fact, the situation is opposite. The authors mention themselves that the widths of the Mn2p3/2 peaks are in 3.2 eV MnO, 3.0 eV in Mn2O3, and 2.5 eV in MnO2. In this situation the data on relative ratios of different Mn ions concentrations obtained by Mn2p3/2 peak fitting cannot be considered reliable.
The right way to perform the decomposition of the Mn2p3/2 peak would be to use the decomposition components Mni+2p3/2with fixed widths equal to the experimental ones (may be broadened taking into account present machine’s resolution).
If the authors insist that their fitting is all right in spite of the above mentioned circumstances, they should give solid reasoning for this.
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