24小时热门版块排行榜     石溪大学接受考研调剂申请>

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[交流] ceramics international已有9人参与

最近在ceramics international上投了一篇文章,经过一次大修后审稿人认为再次修改后可以接收,修完稿后编辑认为内容已经达到要求,语言存在问题需要进行润色,在我润色完后提交后,编辑直接reject,要求重新投稿,昨天晚上到现在一直是with editor,请各位大神帮我分析分析这是怎么回事?

(第二次审稿意见)The reviewer has commented on your above paper and indicated that it is acceptable for publication with some corrections.
I invite you to revise and resubmit your manuscript carefully addressing the issues raised in the reviewer's comments (included below).
Although the scientuific content of the revised paper may be acceptable, language needs to be revised as before advisd to authors.

Just two examples from abstract:

"The aim of this examination was to discuss.." shall be

"The aim of this paper is to discuss"..

"as well as an increase in resistant hydrothermal stability with" shall be

well as an increase in  hydrothermal stability with"

Authors  are again advised to have their paper fully revised for language by an official technical editing agency.

(第三次审稿意见)Language has been revised.

Now please resubmit the whole revised paper as a new submission without showing corrections in colour.
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4楼2018-12-07 22:56:19
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