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铁杆木虫 (知名作家)

[交流] 论文退修(已经录用了)


the review process of the above paper has now been completed. based upon the comments of the reviewers, your paper may be accepted for publication in circuits, systems, and signal processing, provided you revise the paper in accordance with the comments of the reviewers (provided below).

please submit your revised paper and your response to the reviewers' comments, by 05 mar 2019.

please note: when uploading your revised files, please make sure only to submit your editable source files (i. e. word, tex).

reviewer #1: it can be accepted.

reviewer #2: the revision is satisfied and the paper can be accepted

reviewer #3: the reference sections the authors cited reference are too many. the authors cite the related references are good. remove unnecessary references. the revision is satisfactory and can be accepted in the present form.

[ Last edited by youandiandhe on 2018-12-17 at 22:01 ]

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