24小时热门版块排行榜     石溪大学接受考研调剂申请>

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[交流] 挪威科技大学可持续发展铁路研究博士奖学金项目-额外 奖学金资助

备注: 申请人需要申请CSC,获批后,NTNU 额外提供7000 克朗每个月。
         将CV发送到343911167@qq.com,或者联系15901173048,微信同号, 并注明感兴趣的题目

1.      Environment friendly railway sleeper in extreme cold regions (concrete related)
The work involves FEM analysis, E-LCC analysis, and some material tests (in china). For example, we use rubber crumb concrete to produce impact reduction and free freeze thaw effects sleepers.  We currently using UHPC to make sleeper, and need E-RAMS analysis as well.
2.      Intelligent environmental monitoring and analysis of railway infrastructure systems
Railway infrastructures are sources of dissipative emission to the environment, and there is no systematic approach that identifies the emission and related limitations. Consequently, an intelligent monitoring system has to be developed in order to avoid the exceeding of legal limits. The wording “intelligent” refers to effective and efficient collection, calculation
and presentation of data in order to run the monitoringsystem and to manage the diffuse flow, such as track and subgrade.
3.      Recycled material investigation related topics
Some previous work was carried out by our team, such as degradation ballast and its reinforcement (fresh ballast, and Geogrids) , rubber crumb and ballast mixture(TDA), but these topics are too traditional or out of date.  However, recycled material based composite sleeper is an excellent choice, and we have 2 industry partners working with us, and they could provide material sample, and sleeper for tests and evaluation (FEM and DIC), and through the state of art facility and tests, aiming for ready-to-go product.
Need candidates have FEM and civil engineering related background.

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