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[交流] Wayne state University Dr.Hu lab

Post-Doctoral Research Associate and Research Assistant positions are available in Dr. Zhengqing Hu`s Lab at Wayne State University School of Medicine. The applicants must have a PhD or master degree. Dr. Zhengqing Hu is an accomplished Associate Professor in the Department of Otolaryngology who is working on stem cell, neuron regeneration, Crispr cas9 gene therapy and hair cell regeneration. Funding for his lab comes from The Veterans Affairs (VA) and National Institute of Health (NIH). Open positions offer competitive benefits, potential for visa, and an opportunity to negotiate salary. For more details, you can check his website on https://otolaryngology.med.wayne.edu/profile/ee6017.
Background in cell biology, molecular biology, neurobiology, biochemistry or bioengineering is desirable. Self-motivated individuals seeking experience in the following area are encouraged to apply: (a) neuronal differentiation of stem cells for auditory neuron replacement in vitro and/or in vivo, and (b) hair cell differentiation via genetic and epigenetic modulations. If you interested in this position and his line of research, please contact his assistant at 343424972@qq.com.

韦恩州立大学医学院Dr. Hu Lab现招全职Postdoc Research Associate, 研究助理 (Research Assistant)和PhD学生。实验室主要方向是运用干细胞进行毛细胞和神经重建, 主要实验包括分子生物学,干细胞生物学,基因和表观遗传学 (epigenetics), 电生理,听力学, Crispr cas9 gene therapy和动物听力再建。目前实验室有10人 包括博士后, 博士生, 硕士生和研究助理。Funding充足, 实验室有两个Million Level grants (NIH R01 和 VA  I01 各一)。设备齐全,实验室自己有stem cell culture, time lapse confocal, realtime PCR, patch clamp, 动物显微手术, 听力测试以及其他基本实验设备 (附图)。 支持学生做学术研究, 适合毕业3-5年内的博士和硕士。目前实验室拿到新课题,急需扩招人员。
Dr. Hu 个人主页:https://otolaryngology.med.wayne.edu/profile/ee6017
地点: 底特律Midtown,周边是医院和大学,环境安全,生活便利。在职员工多住于周边地区,车程15-20 分钟。
酬劳:薪水可商议,表现好可加薪,可以办理J1 和H1B, 支持办绿卡。
专业要求: 有生物,神经学, 材料学, stem cell biology, biochemistry, electrophysiology或相关背景优先。
有意者请发送简历至:gr0117@wayne.edu, 注明Job Application

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